Profile stuck on Private?

So I made my account stats to public, after a few days I checked websites like this and overbuff and when I wanna check my stats it says it’s on private and shows the old icon (Shanghai Dragons). I tried switching to private then back to public but it doesn’t work from both ingame and Blizzard launcher. is there anything I can do to fix this? thanks.
(also I use to play on console but that was a long time ago so I’m sure the PS4 account is set on private by default, but I made sure to disconnect the PS4 from PC, but for some reason you can still see my PS4 stats if you click on my profile right now)
Edit: also sometimes I can see my stats but when I refresh it goes back to private and can see only old stats

This still happens to a lot of us, but the issue it’s being ignored by Blizzard :frowning:

well the issue is solved now, I don’t know if I did anything or blizzard fixed it but I’m glad, whenever I check my profile I can still see my old ps4 profile and its private by default because I stopped playing on console before private profile were a thing, I already unlinked my ps4 account but its still there when I check my pc (this) account stats. is someone able to remove the old console account?