Professional gambler explains why Competitive matches are rigged and how to negate the forced win/loss

OW never really worked as a competitive game and for the last 2-3 years it’s absolut ridiculous.

Did you know: If you match two equally skilled teams the winchance is for both 50%? Surprising, right?

This is not rigged, this is good matchmaking.
The inconsistency in your experience comes from OW requiring a vast variety of skills and synergy.
In GM the skill gap is much smaller and the skill level is much more consistent, the lower you go the more inconsistent it gets.

Second Teamplay and Synergy.
Playstyles and expectations vary immensely, if you are lucky you get a team with strong natural teamplay and synergy, if you have bad luck you end up with a cluster love making

3rd and new problem: Priority pass and wrong tank rating MMR seeding

TL;DR: It’s not rigged


If you mean by “fixing” that the matchmaker “makes matches”, well duh. It’s still not “rigged”.

I feel like you actually don’t understand it. Do you know that you’re advocating for matches without boundaries? Bronze against GM? Do you even understand that what you deem as “rigging matches” is putting Golds against Golds and GMs against GMs?

They completely dominate and rise quickly. Just as GM smurfs do in Overwatch. What are you even talking about?


I play on EU servers.

If matchmaking systems of all games use some sort of matchmaking rating, visible or hidden, which they do, then we’re discussing both.

A system that uses a rating to sort for close-skill matches for quality of life isn’t a forced 50/50. It’s a weighted system.


See the current version at:


Nice semantics. In other words, you mean to say that each and every match in Competitive Overwatch is ‘rigged,’ correct?

You need to re-read everything that person has said in this thread, carefully.

You haven’t really provided any evidence to the ‘forced 50-50 winrate’ accusation. Just like nobody ever does whenever its brought up.

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Yes a 50/50 system is in place. If you are a legit plat player you will win 50/50 games in plat over all. Now this is broken the second you become the next rank up. You will break the 50/50 barrier easily but then it will come back after your in the new rank. Thats how getting better work, believe me the 50 percent winrates of 49W-49L arent a random coincidence. You belong in your rank.


He’s not a professional gambler. Look at his spelling and grammar- he is obviously still in middle or high school. He has demonstrated next to zero knowledge and has done nothing to provide credentials. He’s just another kid that thinks he knows it all but has no clue what he is talking about. He is claiming he is something he is not so people will take his post more seriously than all the other nonsense people post on these forums.

“i have seen alot of people who had not listening to me lose alot of money including thier houses” Downright hilarious this one.


Prove it. Open your profile. Or if its “on some other profile”, comment that battletag.

What do you even need the proof for? There’s dozens of streamers who have done exactly the same thing as this person (as such, it’s documented on twitch and/or YT).


I’ve been saying this forever.

Oh I believe them, its not really an accomplishment of any kind playing multiple accounts to your tier. Proves literally nothing except the problem we have of alts and Smurfs…

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Samito, Is that you?

Am i just not good enough to climb?
It must be the game that’s wrong


Hm, no I don’t see it.

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Oh damn, I didn’t know a current version existed.

I always used the one I found in Google which is, as you know, age-old :smiley: Thanks for the link :slight_smile:

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I mean, this alone is enough to discredit the post entirely.

It is not like gamblers are notoriously good bluffers and liars or anything right?