So guys not gonna spend too much time talking about this cause im probably going to get alot of hate and arguments from alot of people who are die hard overwatch fan boys but here goes.
For the last 5 years i have been a professional gambler. What that means is i give people advice on what sports and events to bet on. lets get one thing straight before i go on. I dont want anyone to start gambling as it can be very addictive and i have seen alot of people who had not listening to me lose alot of money including thier houses .
i started gambling when i was very young. i enjoyed betting $5 here and there on the horses and realised from a very young age i had a knack for it. Then when i got older i was winning alot of money and watching everyone around me lose money. In the end long story short i became a advisor of sorts for people who wanted to make a buck here or there betting on the sports they enjoyed.
Anyway lets get onto overwatch and why a big majority of your games are forced wins/loses . Now there was youtube videos a few years back with people arguing it wasnt forced but they clearly had no idea what they were talking about and tried to defend a game they loved so dearly. Blizzard would never do that right? … Wrong.
Blizzards main goal is to keep you playing anyway they can. Hence why they put a ranking system in the game. its a shiny emblem for you to grind for and keep you playing to get to the tippity top (pro status) look at me im a GM! etc etc etc .
What you dont realise is the only way for blizzard to keep you playing is to keep you grinding and what better way to do that than stack the odds against you.What you will notice if you go into replays right now in your overwatch account is you will either see 1 win 1 loss. 2 wins 2 loss. 3 wins 3 loss and sometimes in my case 6 wins 6 loss .This is what you call forced 50/50. Oh no i said the bad word that works everyone up and gets them mad .
But lets be honest here ever get those games where you will win one match so convincingly and then the next there is nothing you can do to win. That isnt blizzard putting you up against harder competition thats blizzard giving you terrible allies so you can go onto lose that match and then go onto the next game . Kinda like a drug. Giving you a little hit a little bit of excitment only to take it away with the next game.
lets be honest if blizzard didnt do this masters and gm would be over encombored with players and most likely it would be a crap storm of noobs and good players . People say well how did this player get to gm or masters . its simple …playing as a team negates the very bad match maker and makes it harder for it to keep you down. Alot of these diamond and masters players who ranked up played with 4-6 man teams and even then the match maker will still try force your loss by making everyone on the other team smurfs and super good players.
Blizzard has a very long history of doing this in starcraft 2 and alot of thier games. Making terrible match makers and rigging games so players had no chance to win.
and overwatch is no differant . My friend who is a diamond player wanted to play on one of my old gold accounts. He went on a nice little winstreak for a bit but in the back of my head i knew it was only matter of time before the lose streak came . Was it that this diamond player faced some god like gold players ?. No of course not it was that it was the match makers program the software behind it if you would like to call it that stepped in and squashed him back down. Could you imagine a diamond zarya losing to gold players ? how could that be lol . Simple its how blizzard keeps you playing and later that day 7 losses came and he rage quit.
a diamond getting beaten by golds who would of thought right?.
All im gonna say guys is there is alot of players who are most likely alot better than they think they are and should be alot higher on the system but deep down they think they are bad because of a system that blizzard puts in place that they cannot control . So pls guys there is a pattern to everything in life a algorithm if it may. Your probably alot better than you think and if blizzard actually did a decent job with thier match maker there wouldnt be so many people walking away from overwatch right now . Anyway thats my piece what would i know with a 64% winrate in professional gambling and some of the highest stats in the world . let the trolling from the comment section begin ;). Overwatch is rigged and there aint a dam thing you can say to make me think otherwise good day fellow gamers!.