Pro/con of high and low sens?

I played native MNK on paladins and Fortnite recently and it got me obsessed with lowering my sensitivity. Do you think that there are diminishing returns with low sens? Should you go as low as your mousepad can handle? I currently have around an 75cm/360 and I wanna lower my settings more because I still dont use all of my mouse pad.

the difference is that a lower EDPI allows you to be a little less precise, but at the same time you have to make larger movements that affect the response time. with a high EDPI you have to be extremely precise in return.

What you end up using depends on your equipment and your own preferences.
I (Widowmain) for my part had been using an EDPI of 2700 (600x4.5) for a long time, which is already a very low one. I was very accurate at long range, but at a certain point I had to make extremely large movements and was always a free kill close by.
in the meantime i have gone up to 4500 (1000x4.5) and my accuracy has decreased a bit on long range, but in mid and close range my accuracy has increased enormously.


It’s all going to be personal preference. And your peripherals make a big difference too.

I used to use 8 sens and it felt really good. Then I switched to a g pro wireless superlight & glass mousepad and now I use 3.5 sens because that’s what feels good, trying to use 8 sens with my current peripherals, the cursor feels like it would be flying off the screen.

To find what works for you, you have to test the extreme limits, to see what really seems right. Like try going really high sens for a day, then try going really low sens for a day. Then whichever one you prefer, use that as your baseline and then try going relatively higher, relatively lower to that new baseline, etc.

Something not many people mention is that lower sens can lead to bad habits if you aren’t careful. In particular you see it with crosshair placement because it’s a lot more effort over the course of the match, or day.

I prefer setting my sens so that I can comfortably do a 270 in either direction of my mousepad (generally, at least, I do change it with the hero). Some people say to make your full swipe 360, but that isn’t enough for me. I have bad resetting habits thought :skull:


Hanzo (2.73 in-game : 1200 DPi)
Widow (3.12 in-game : 1200 DPi)
Pharah (4 in-game. : 1200 DPi)
Tracer (2.25 in-game : 1200 DPi)
Soldier (2.0 in-game : 1200 DPi)
Ashe/Cass (2.73 in-game : 1200 DPi)

Everyone else is the same as Hanzo and Ashe because that’s my ideal sensitivity.

Keep in mind though, I have a 2 ft mouse pad and I am by tracking at the elbow and micro-flicking with my wrist.

This is why I’m hardstuck in Valorant.

Overwatch is too forgiving with crosshair placement (except for Ashe/Widow).

I can only full-swipe a 360 in one direction. It was enough for me to hit masters :woman_shrugging:t2:

Edit I think I can 180 the other direction.

Ive been cautious towards this. I try to aim mostly with my arm and micro with my wrist and I don’t think ive developed lazy aim yet. Ill be mindful of that though

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It goes both ways though. It could lead to good crosshair placement habits because you basically have to if you want to avoid large movements for easy shots.

Good crosshair placement minimises the distance between resting and on target. a high sense will allow you to compensate for poor placement with less movement.

Yeah, it definitely could, in the same sense that raising your sense could lead to a net improvement in placement because placing becomes easier, too.

I just expect people to be averse to short term effort, rather than optimize it for long term benefit. It’s usually a safe assumption about people. Gets worse when the cause->effect becomes a little blurry.

For someone lowering their sens, it makes more sense to me to caution someone not to get lazy.

I agree with this and feel like it works the opposite of how Kazooie explains it. It’s EASIER to maintain good crosshair placement with low sens, because your crosshair isn’t jumping all over the place with slight movements.

In fact, the reason I switched from being a high sens player to low sens was mostly the crosshair placement. I would play Apex and noticed that when an enemy popped out of nowhere, I’d start jerking my crosshair around in surprise at high sens, missing most of my initial shots. But at low sens, I could just react instinctively and melt them, because my crosshair was already where it was supposed to be and I could just shoot.