Problems with ranking up

A friend of mine has been stuck in lower bronze way too long. He was stuck in bronze 4 for 20 wins, on the 20th win he ranked up to bronze 3. He has won 57 matches this season. majority of the matches he has played he had more than 10k damage.
please explain, because he is slowly losing faith in overwatch 2 competitive.


hi, i’m new here, bcz i encountered same issue as your friend does.
my healer rank start stuck at bronze level since yesterday, and i have no idea how this come.
i didn’t count at first time, when my rank became bronze 1, i thought i lose too many times. but when i trying hard, my rank start become lower and lower.
right now, after 5 lose&5 win ish, i’m bronze 3.
thank you post it, i really thought it was my problem at first time.
i hope blizzard could find out the problem very soon

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i have the same problem

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same is happening in my Diamond 3 lobby, so it’s not only Bronze issue

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I have won all 5 of my placement games two different times and deranked both times. I was gold and got deranked straight to bronze 1, won 5 and got deranked to broze 2, then won 5 again and deranked to bronze 3. I cannot rank up if my win streaks derank me. These bronze teammates can’t keep up with me.


Same problem. At the start of the season I rose to silver 3, but then I caught a long lose streak and after 5 wins I was demoted to silver 5. Now I have already won 35 matches, but this did not affect my rank in any way.

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Assuming your win-loss ratio is positive, you might be experiencing either the bug that prevents your rank from being adjusted or the bug in which during a rerank, your initial rank is demoted five subdivisions before the adjustment takes place. There’s tons of posts under my thread about players with those exact bugs if you’d like to read more about it. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Any help in spreading the word about this thread would be greatly appreciated.

I am having the same issue. I have been stuck in bronze 4 for 20 matches. I thought that it was me at first, but then this last 5 games, I had a 51 elimination game and then a 62 elimination game. This season I average about 20 kills per ten minutes, but no matter what I do I continue to stay in bronze 4. We’re going on 25 games now, and I am starting to think I’m stuck. It’s definitely frustrating, but tell him to hang in there. Keep doing that damage because I know his team appreciates it. Here’s to hoping this gets addressed soon!

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Hi there,
My friend just started to rank up. The things which he did was start playing ranked solo instead with a party. I think the game though that we where trying to power rank him.
He went from b4 to b1.
Hope this helps u in any way.

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