Pro thoughts on OW2

Dva will be good until the whining about bullying hitscans begin. Whiners will always get their way. It’s like whining that Mario Kart is not a twitch shooter and Nintendo reworking Mario Kart to have sniper rifles and assasult rifles.


You are literally just a blizzard mouth piece. The game absolutely does not function the way you are trying to say. We have literal video proof on the OWL, proof of millions of hours of OW streamers just dying with 2 healers spam healing them, pros talking about how bad support/tanking feels in OW2 with actual gameplay of how bad tank/support looks.

Like, you are flat out denying evidence. Just stop.


Because the whole idea is to be aggressive and kill the enemy fast which I like, instead of just messing around doing nothing. The moment teams became more aggressive, everything got a lot better and tanks was often surviving by killing the enemy faster than they could.

I prefer this method of OW much more. The game is already having drops of players if it continued to stick to OW1 playstyle, having a more FPS-oriented style and tanks being fat DPS to draw the bigger crowd will help the series more IMO.

No, no it won’t. Traditional FPS fans have already left OW and have no intention on looking back. The game will flop cause instead of catering to their core audience, they are chasing a wet dream that will never happen.


Getting them back in would still be worth the risk compared to the certain slow death. No one wants to tank, and redesigning the game to make fat DPS instead of tanks will be enough to draw more FPS players than tank players anyway.

They have no idea what game they want to make…
I’m on the verge of tears


Oddly, a full shot combo would bring tracer down to 5 hp (35 flail + 70 whip + 40 shield bash).

It certainly would bring a 200 hp heroes within two strikes of a flail to kill them.

LOL, some of these posters, man.

People have been pointing out for a couple days how that OW2 demo made DPS look way more powerful than tanks or supports, and they’ve been getting peppered by shills telling them they’re wrong.

Now pros who have ACTUALLY PLAYED the current build of OW2 are saying the same thing, and we STILL are getting these brainless “nuh uh!” responses.

Not sure what it would actually take for someone this far up their own rabbit hole to acknowledge that this wasn’t a good look.


3 second defense matrix… that’s 10 meters and I’m suppose to solo tank?



Yeah, low elo players need CC to scapegoat their losses with: “it’s not me it’s a the hero, also what is cover and positioning and why do i need to learn it to climb? Why can’t you just remove CC instead?”


I think the healing debuff is a good idea, but not to the extreme amount that it is currently. She’ll be barely keeping someone stable which is what she’s meant to do…

People who don’t like CC need to go play a MOBA.

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I mean, I hear this. If the devs decide to follow through and strip OW2 of the stuff that I liked to attract a bigger audience (assuming it actually is a bigger audience), then that sucks for me, but I can take the hint and find other games to play.

But this doesn’t address the problem: who among the burgeoning DPS influx would touch the tanks or supports with a ten foot pole? If they are worse at DPS than the DPS are, why would a DPS player be at all interested in them? If they also aren’t allowed to be very effective at tanking or healing, then what reason would anyone have to want to play them?

A DPS-focused player might hate the feel of playing OW2 tanks less than they do OW1 tanks, but that player is still not going to get excited about playing them when the heroes who are much better at DPS are still right there.


I’ve done it before in open queue. Granted I also had three dps and two supports, but it can be done.

Where CC is even more prevalent? Reverse psychology? I don’t think people will like CC just because they tried something that has more of it

Which is why, they’re making it more DPS oriented, aggression, and fragging out. Future tanks might also lean into this as they become less damage mitigation and more fat DPS.

If they for example, just make a space marine knock off from WH40k simply by taking Rein and giving him a gun, put him into the tank category and let him out. Chances are, it’ll still attract enough DPS players into the tank pool compared if they try to appeal to tank players.

It seems to me they are making OW2 to appeal to people who don’t like Overwatch and hoping they can keep the Overwatch players because it has the same characters in a different game.


People who dislike CC aren’t being rational about it. The majority of the issues I notice with the OW community’s “X is OP” mentality are people just being bad and refusing to be better.

CC is positioning-punishment and area-control, as it should be. Getting frustrated at that is stupid when you can just play better (most of the time). It’s people being frustrated with their own inability instead of the game.

There are issues, like CC-into-burst, and Ana that need to be addressed, but CC isn’t the villain there. It’s entirely workable in OW.


Will he be as good at DPS-ing as the DPS heroes are? If not, why would DPS choose him over an actual DPS? If so, then why would DPS players be okay with having a DPS with goofy amounts of hitpoints in the game?


Prob yes? Tanks being able to dps consistently is always their theme so fat DPS shouldn’t be any different, and if not, face tanking or acting as distraction is good enough.

I mean, if you want me to expand the idea further, than the tank has a hitscan gun, does 45 damage per shot, 50 bullets per mag, reloads fairly normal (Maybe 0.5 second or 1 second?) his melee is a chainsaw that allows him to does 50 per swing, has 400-500 hp and his ult is prob something like a lesser nano but only for himself.

If you want to talk about the overall, so long they can make a fat DPS worthwhile, there’s always good enough people to pick them up.