Pro thoughts on OW2

If they kept current healing to OW2, no one is going to die since all that healing is going to be poured into that tank.

It’s following a TF2 system, where you heal more outside of combat. This is just a similar version but applied to OW2.

No? Tanks have less damage mitigation and the dev’s increased the dps’s damage standard regardless. That is not a valid reason anymore since they increased damage.


And that’s kind of the point?

She has to manage her resource well now and I like it, ever since they remove the need for her to manage the energy beam, it made her have little weakness outside of range. Having bubble be an important resource means she has to choose when and where to bubble, it also means breaking bubble being good since it forces Zarya into a choice, either bubble her teammate again or keep that for herself in an emergency.

It maintain her strengths but allow more counter-play.

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But he “haven’t played OW2 yet”. He knows nothing…
… oh wait.

Imagine how bad the balance must be if even the pros thinks it is bad :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Damage wasn’t increased, if anything, it was decreased because of one less tank (Turns out, tank does a lot of damage at the ranges they fight in.). If both supports pump current healing into a single tank, it’ll take a lot of resource to kill said tank since they’re missing a source of damage now for both side barring Ana anti-nade.

I swear they better give Mercy a desert eagle or something as a compensation :triumph:


So basically they nerfed damage on everyone but Sombra but then ultra nerfed supports so now dps feel OP. Tanks feel the same but they have 2 charges of abilities but as compensation damage is lower and cooldown increases by like 2 seconds.

Welp that’s unfortunate and knowing blizzard OW2 will be a great story mode game and trash PVP so rip.


No news on Bastion? They’ve stopped using him after one push lol

Right, so, DPS heroes are broken, the most DPS Support is “really good”, and everyone else is dumpstered.


Then they may as well delete Zarya from the game. Why do you think Super called her horrible? It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

She already had to.

If OW1 Zarya expels both bubbles, she has to wait 10 seconds to get both back. In OW2 it’s 20 seconds. If she always hoards 2 bubbles for herself, then she provides no defensive peeling. Zarya has to be high charge to justify picking her vs other tanks. If Zarya uses the bubbles on her teammates, she has to wait 20 seconds to have that option again.

Team fights also don’t last long enough for her to even get another round of double bubble charges.

So, you’re wrong. Her strength was not maintained, she was made weaker. 10 sec vs 20 sec to get both of your bubbles back. That’s a downgrade, especially if using 2 bubbles on yourself or your teammates leaves either you, or your team very vulnerable. If her 1 bubble self, 1 bubble teammate is the best use case most of the time, it was an objective nerf.

Only because a Tank’s damage mitigation buys time for the supports. Less damage mitigation means less time for healing and more damage not mitigated.

And it should take a lot of resources to kill a tank, they shouldn’t be a free pick…

If you don’t like the core fundamentals of a hero shooter, then Overwatch is not the game for you. Why would you even buy OW1 in the first place if you don’t like strong defensive plays.


If one is on an 8 second cooldown and one is on 10 doesn’t that mean she only has to wait 10 seconds to get both back?


Omg you’re right. You made my point even stronger… LOL


Factually incorrect. Tanks already melt in OW1 with getting spam healed by both supports.

Give her a desert eagle, fan the hammer, and flash bang. Let’s go!

This is so funny. For once, the forums was spot on about something in OW, and OW2 is looking to be a huge dumpster fire.


And I’m looking at the IF part, blowing all bubbles means she’s left defenseless and that’s good. Gives her some sort of resource management part.

Not really, back then, she always can count on one bubble to protect herself. Now, she has to decide to either keep that protection for herself, or for others (And even more so when the bubble breaks, forcing her to think if she should commit more to protect her teammates or herself.).

And that’s great, since now with one tank, philosophy has to change. Situations where she either double bubble for a single aggressive push, use that bubble to protect the support that’s being flanked twice, or keep using one while reserving the other for emergency for herself.

If Team Fight don’t last that long, then it’s even less of a worry. Use all the bubble, commit, fight and win. A very aggro style of playing which is what OW2 is going for.

Her major strength of consistent damage is still there. As said earlier, having her to be more careful in building and maintaining the energy should be part of her core character. Something that’s been less focused on since it builds up very quickly.

And there’s less damage output in a 5 v 5 since there’s one less tank. Which was part of why it took so hard to kill tanks. Alternating taking fire means fight drags way too long. If a tank takes way too long to kill, it’s going to be the same problem in OW2 as the current scenario. Fights drags out way too long and instead of breaking shield, it’s just breaking tanks. A tank should feel strong but not to the point where the whole team have to empty nearly everything to just get a pick.

I bought OW1 because it’s a fun FPS shooter, then it turns out, FPS as a game is still going to have some FPS fundamentals. People likes to shoot to kill things.

That OW2 is now going into that direction is great since I can enjoy it more. I feel sorry for the tank mains but at the same time, if OW wants to survive, it’s got to cater to the majority of the market which is the DPS/FPS crowd.

But hey, they can make more fat DPS, so there’s that.

He said the Winston combo was pretty solid though. If you have good aim then railgun->jump on opponent->punch is huge. Winston was who he was most positive about.

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I will suspect that Brig shield bash will be buffed. Bigger damage and maybe a good combo with her flail.
Everything we see and hear will be changed before release, I have no doubt. And Sombra being OP, I will think her damage buff will be nerfed to 30% or 25%, which would be in line with most damage buffs.

Yes, that’s why everyone enjoyed double shield, where there’s enough protection for everyone and high TTK where no one complained about the tanks right?

Besides, a major source of that damage also comes from tanks and they removed one. Keeping current healing in OW2 means that all the resource that can often keep the whole team alive in the current OW1 means enemy has to chew through so much heal in order to kill a tank barring an anti-nade.

You just keep replying back with Slogans and dev platitudes. It’s like you have no critical thought of your own. It’s like I am talking to a shill or lobbyist.

You don’t see the bigger picture with that statement then. At that point CD management no longer matters as you only get once chance to use your abilities. Another reduction of mindgames and tactical depth from OW1.

I pointed out that her bubble uptime was objectively nerfed and you spin it to avoid acknowledging you’re incorrect. I’m not going to have a discussion with someone who is incompetent at best, or has an ulterior agenda at worst. My bet is on the latter, you’re a bad-actor.


She gets half the bubbles she does now. The actual tank pro said she was hot trash and useless. And he’s right. The philosophy with that character is to switch off. Probably go dps so you can do consistent damage at range and not have to take space.

OW doesn’t stand up as an fps to other fps’s. What makes it great is that it isn’t standard point and click adventure. If they really do go deathmatch style, they’re going to have to add in a bunch of mechanics and remove a lot of others to attract the normal fps crowd, and they’re going to lose what made this game so loved.


Sure, if we’re going to name-calling already then I’m done anyways.

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