Pro thoughts on OW2


So you have to charge Winstons rail gun and do a measly 50 Damage?


This is going to flop so hard. Enjoy the long queues bois.

  • He thinks that the power level of the roles is “DPS >>>>>>>>>> healers >> tank” now which doesn’t feel good: “healers are literally weaker in OW 2 and there’s only one tank now, so as a tank you’re taking the brunt of the impact.”

Lmaooo we called it and people are saying “nuh uh no brain Tank/Support main, you just aren’t gud!” lmaoooooooo

At least a pro player confirmed it so we know this opinion will mean something.


Old Jeff once said he didn’t want mercy to be overpowered or underpowered. He wanted her to be balanced. That was a comforting thing to hear him say at the time. I really don’t need my hero being gutted to the point of being “useless” and wouldn’t wish that on anyone else’s main either.

Don’t throw the support heroes under the bus for the sake of DPS. All roles should have around equal impact.


Pros also said tanks also felt okay.

Zarya may be bad but only if they burned both bubbles at once, which is good, force the zarya to bubble and shatter it means she has to manage bubbles more importantly. Rein/Dva being okay also shoots people who say tanks are going to be dead in the water.

Over all, it confirms a lot of their design, more aggro style of playing.


Here’s how to fix the game and keep it 5v5:

Bring back CC, revert Mei’s left click pierce crap.

Add a new feature to the tank passive that makes cc stacking impossible, like a superarmor against CC for 1-2 seconds if hit by a cc ability.

McCree’s flashbang needs to have its CC reduced so you can just barely do 1 hs to make the right click combo impossible. Either that, or get rid of the movement increase passive just for him.

Zarya: Make bubble CD 14 seconds, but you get both charges back at once. That way once she expends both of her bubbles, she’s not just a crappy version of OW1 Zarya.

Give supports stronger defensive abilities, get rid of Mercy E rez, put rez on Valk only. Put Valk to 6-8 seconds and condense its power accordingly.

Make Lucio aura longer, rush is not going to busted with only 1 tank anyways.

Moira is getting reworked, no comment.

Zen is fine.

Bap is always going to suffer Mercy’s issue with having an ultimate as an e ability. Amp matrix might be garbage will how fast things move. Make matrix an e ability, and immortality field his ult.

Ana’s fine for now, keep her old sleep dart CD.

Brig needs a semi-rework. Keep bash cc. Make peeling her supports her niche.

Basically add back the necessary evils, it’s a hero shooter that should always require teamwork anyways. Don’t like that? Don’t buy the game. It’s not meant for you.


Called it. Some visual effects are ugly AF for example nano boost and mercy damage boost in comparison to our current visual effects which look way better.
I’m extremely worried for OW2 and based on Super’s thoughts we share a similar opinion:


You weren’t paying attention. OW2 Zarya is worse than OW1 Zarya in that build. Once she expels both bubbles she’s just OW1 Zarya but with 10 sec bubble cd, when before she had 8 sec for allies and 10 sec for herself.

They will have to make bubble cd 14 seconds and have it replenish both charges. Otherwise, Zarya will have to wait 20 seconds to become OW2 Zarya again. And she will use both bubbles at once to become high charge, if Zarya does not stay high charge then another tank would be better. So telling her to hodl her bubbles is not a viable strat.

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If they kept current healing to OW2, no one is going to die since all that healing is going to be poured into that tank.

It’s following a TF2 system, where you heal more outside of combat. This is just a similar version but applied to OW2.

No? Tanks have less damage mitigation and the dev’s increased the dps’s damage standard regardless. That is not a valid reason anymore since they increased damage.


And that’s kind of the point?

She has to manage her resource well now and I like it, ever since they remove the need for her to manage the energy beam, it made her have little weakness outside of range. Having bubble be an important resource means she has to choose when and where to bubble, it also means breaking bubble being good since it forces Zarya into a choice, either bubble her teammate again or keep that for herself in an emergency.

It maintain her strengths but allow more counter-play.

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But he “haven’t played OW2 yet”. He knows nothing…
… oh wait.

Imagine how bad the balance must be if even the pros thinks it is bad :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Damage wasn’t increased, if anything, it was decreased because of one less tank (Turns out, tank does a lot of damage at the ranges they fight in.). If both supports pump current healing into a single tank, it’ll take a lot of resource to kill said tank since they’re missing a source of damage now for both side barring Ana anti-nade.

I swear they better give Mercy a desert eagle or something as a compensation :triumph:


So basically they nerfed damage on everyone but Sombra but then ultra nerfed supports so now dps feel OP. Tanks feel the same but they have 2 charges of abilities but as compensation damage is lower and cooldown increases by like 2 seconds.

Welp that’s unfortunate and knowing blizzard OW2 will be a great story mode game and trash PVP so rip.


No news on Bastion? They’ve stopped using him after one push lol

Right, so, DPS heroes are broken, the most DPS Support is “really good”, and everyone else is dumpstered.


Then they may as well delete Zarya from the game. Why do you think Super called her horrible? It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

She already had to.

If OW1 Zarya expels both bubbles, she has to wait 10 seconds to get both back. In OW2 it’s 20 seconds. If she always hoards 2 bubbles for herself, then she provides no defensive peeling. Zarya has to be high charge to justify picking her vs other tanks. If Zarya uses the bubbles on her teammates, she has to wait 20 seconds to have that option again.

Team fights also don’t last long enough for her to even get another round of double bubble charges.

So, you’re wrong. Her strength was not maintained, she was made weaker. 10 sec vs 20 sec to get both of your bubbles back. That’s a downgrade, especially if using 2 bubbles on yourself or your teammates leaves either you, or your team very vulnerable. If her 1 bubble self, 1 bubble teammate is the best use case most of the time, it was an objective nerf.

Only because a Tank’s damage mitigation buys time for the supports. Less damage mitigation means less time for healing and more damage not mitigated.

And it should take a lot of resources to kill a tank, they shouldn’t be a free pick…

If you don’t like the core fundamentals of a hero shooter, then Overwatch is not the game for you. Why would you even buy OW1 in the first place if you don’t like strong defensive plays.


If one is on an 8 second cooldown and one is on 10 doesn’t that mean she only has to wait 10 seconds to get both back?


Omg you’re right. You made my point even stronger… LOL


Factually incorrect. Tanks already melt in OW1 with getting spam healed by both supports.

Give her a desert eagle, fan the hammer, and flash bang. Let’s go!

This is so funny. For once, the forums was spot on about something in OW, and OW2 is looking to be a huge dumpster fire.