Private profiles are ruining ranked

i liked the idea of private profiles to begin with, but now i realize that its just dumb. ive been banned for calling people out for playing heros that they are clearly not able to play at their current rank. i fill, i can play most heros at least semi decently at my rank, i encourage people to pick what they are comfortable with but when that mean i get a team of 5 mercy 1 tricks of 7 seasons, playing genji hanzo sym it loses the game there and then.
let me just say this, if you are playing a hero that you are not familiar with to the point you can at least contribute to the team at what ever rank you are playing at, you are throwing. that simple. if you are refusing to swap of that hero, you are throwing. this is a team game, a team is only as good as its weakest link (unless you are a gm surfing in plat that maybe you can solo carry)


Hanzo is already ruining ranked anyways. Can’t ruin it if it’s already ruined.


People who harassed other people based on their profile where ruining ranked. Now the problem is finally solved.


i disagree, he can be outplayed. yeah he is a bit over powered but you know, so was brig, ana, mcree, reaper, widow, should i go on? game balance will never be perfect, there will always be one hero that is objectively better, theres no way around it. so learn to play around them, counter them, synergize . its the foundation of the game pal

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I have been on a tirade criticizing the false reporting, but honestly, people such as yourself are the silver lining to the inherently flawed system. At least some toxic players are getting caught in the mess as well.

I constantly get called out for not being able to play Widow at my rank, while leading the team in damage… In triple/quad DPS scenarios because they are so persistent that I am the problem. I do not want to make any assumptions, but pretty sure you the type of person that would call out my Widow just because it is a Widow.

I do agree with your sentiment to a degree; however, at the same time, nobody should be the judge of that given what I have experienced. People cannot tell if someone else is pulling their weight or not without a leaderboard.


I guess it’s time for anti private profilers to fill the role not being filled in their games now.


I’ve been playing ranked all day today and I don’t think private profile is ruining ranked. Also, if these Mercy’s profiles are private, how do you know that they one trick Mercy? It’s obvious that you’re just assuming stuff because a teammate with private profile didn’t play well as a certain hero.


How did you get banned for that? You must’ve been insufferable in multiple games lol. I call out people all the time, never got banned. Did you actually get banned or just silenced?

Vastly exaggerating for effect.

Other than that, I agree. This was a mistake.


Unfortunately, you can’t counter Gravdragon without a zen. According to what you’ve said, a player should start maining zen to counter the hanzo…

The foundation of the game is ‘learn to counter or abuse whatever character is broken as hell at any given time’?
Even if it were… that is not fun at all. Which is why metas are so awful.

my opinion is, if you cant play widow at your rank then, either practice or dont play her in ranked. if your team insists on having a widow then you switch roles. dps easy to tell if they are pulling their weight, but thats not always their fault, there can always be a dominant tracer on the enemy team, and thats fair enough and thats why you ask them if they are good on that hero, 9 times out of 10 they will say what is happening but if someones pulling out a mcree and not hitting any shots, or a tracer and not being able to stay alive thats when you start to realize that theyve never touchd the hero.

It’s a bit more complex than just pointing at individuals with their questionable picks.

You have to ask multiple questions.

  • Does that hero make sense in our comp?
  • Can we build around it?
  • What does the enemy run?
  • How well can they execute things with said pick?
  • Do they have a plan B if it fails?
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zen is indeed a meta hero and i recommend people learn him in a non competitive environment before bringing him into comp. i fail to see your point

the whole foundation of the game is indeed to counter pick. and like i said there wil never be a perfect game balance, so yes, people will and should abuse what is strong. thats common knowledge, if that isnt fun to you then you are on the wrong game.

Im confused. How would public profiles change this?

You’d still have people picking those same roles and heroes regardless.


Here’s the problem. In general… people are usually terrible at judging what everyone else is doing. When people say things like the quote above, you are appointing yourself judge, jury and executioner of your fellow teammates. I promise you, you are just another guy, another cog in the wheel of your team. Nothing more, nothing less.

Play the game, don’t worry about how random players who you will likely never see again are performing. Your judgement of their contributions are almost definitely flawed.


We can directly appeal to their dignity if we know they’re picking something they’re not experienced with.

With private profiles it’s a blind blame game.

My point is that hanzo existing forces players into a certain hero. This is problematic because: One, it kinda defeats the purpose of private profiles and two, Overwatch have stated multiple times that they don’t want to force players into a hero.

Again, my point is that you cannot tell. I had a team of two “diamond smurfs” in one of my gold matches on my smurf. I am only platinum as you can see (albeit, I find that to be inaccurate and consider myself closer to a diamond as is). I was consistently picking their Tracer, because, well, it was a gold Tracer. Had all medals, PotG, end-card and all of this is without healing as one of the toxic players that “could tell I was not pulling my weight” was not healing me even when it was not in his way. They kept saying their Widow, which I was 4-0 with was actually landing shots despite them not showing up in the kill-feed at all. If that is a justifiable performance, mine was godlike. Which it sort of was as it was on my smurf. I better have performed well. I do not LIKE playing Widow on my support smurf, but if Blizzard World/Lunar Colony/King’s Row come up, I cannot resist the temptation.

In other words, if I get BS when I am on a lower ranked smurf carrying, there is a problem with the perception of Widow and it is definitely not that you can tell if they are pulling their weight. I cannot tell if our Widow is pulling their weight because I am paying attention to my own game. I only know once we get to the end, or if I have silver for whatever odd reason.

Beyond that, people have bad games. It does not magically make them all Mercy one-tricks. Do not get me wrong, I ran into someone who literally said they were a Mercy one-trick trying to counter Pharah with McCree and it was terrible. I understand the frustration. But given the nearly constant statements I get when playing Widow, your average player does not know what is going on whatsoever.

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Some cogs are more rusty than the others. Some cogs are also bigger.

You dont need to see their profile to ask them to switch. The problem is when people do this before the match even starts.

Like, honestly, before private profiles Id pick genji and have people screech “WHY IS A MERCY MAIN PLAYING GENJI?”

I have over 100hours on Genji.

they didnt even look at “all modes”

In those moments I ascend to a higher plane of existence.