Priority Pass Selection Bug

There is an annoying UI bug which prevents you from entering a queue for Quick Play or Competitive, which results in some frustration, especially when queueing as a team.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Queue for a match in Competitive or Quick Play on an impacted role using a priority pass.
  2. When the match is over, invite four friends into your group. Since your group now consist of more than four people, using a priority pass is no longer an option.
  3. Queue for another match. Your last role is still selected. When you click “Ready” you will be displayed as having selected a role. The “Ready” button will however stay orange instead of turning blue and reading “Change Role” which means you have not actually selected a role.
  4. Unselecting your current role and reselecting it will fix this, allowing your team to enter the queue.


The interface remembers your selection for a role, including if you have previously selected a priority pass. When using a priority pass is no longer an option, either because the role is no longer impacted or because your team now consist of more than four players, an invalid UI state is reached. Unselecting your role also unselects the (hidden) priority pass checkbox, which brings the interface back into a consistent state.

The priority pass is still selected, the check box however is gone. This prevents you from entering a queue, the interface however will be in an inconsistent state.


Apart from just fixing the bug, there are a couple of interesting alternatives.

Allow queueing with a priority pass, even when the role is currently not impacted. In this case the priority pass will simply not be used.

This has the added benefit that you will use a priority pass when you stay in queue after playing Quick Play. Currently your queue will simply be very long once the role becomes impacted.

Even bettter would be an option to always use a priority pass when possible.

Alternatively remove the option to not use a priority pass when only one role is selected which is currently impacted this would make the interface simpler although people could no longer save their passes. This would be bad for players who do not mind waiting while playing alone, but want to have the passes available when queueing with less patient friends.

This bug is still in the game :frowning: