Pretty sure we won’t see anything from devs till next week (Jeff responded)

more popular then me

Again I am not even mentioned again.

stylossa called me out on twitter after i made my fix junkrat post on the old forums

Just happens everytime, I ask a question or a statement, (happened with Sym), Jeff answers, but no one focuses on the question or statement. (just the answer)

Its just bizarre


this is overwatch league skin i think

The dumbest thing that has ever been done is still giving Ana an Ability just for one Gammode. Can we remove this?

Just putting a link here for guessing the surprise 🛰 Let’s think logically about guessing the Surprise (not big, highlight little surprise)

I wrote an article about Ana early this year (over 1k views) and she got some buffs after but i can’t agree with them giving her the ability to Nano herself, please overthink it.

Bumping this for anyone who might have not seen it yet

Though hard to imagine cause 11.4k views

Tracer is getting a secondary ult of armor-piercing rounds lasting 10s. :sunglasses:

I don’t know how to feel. :grinning:

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Healing per second increased from 50hps to 60hps.


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Mercy buff, nerf and new OWL skins please

Welp bumping this one more time.

Too bad I don’t have a video to put with this one. (was waiting on Overwatch Central)

But whatever here is something in German.

If they say something bad… sorry

No way will there be healing buffs for mercy.
Just think about it, for example…

Ana does 70hps healing while she needs to aim and has to reload.
Mercy does 50hps while she does not need to reload and her mobility is crazy high!

Her mobility is the most underrated ability in the entire Game of Overwatch.

Well… might as well again

(things were getting toxic it seems just reading all the other thread titles.)

What? Junkrat is really strong on maps like Temple of Anubis buffing him more would make him OP on tight maps where he excels.

Tryagon used FLARE!

It’s super effective!

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Sigh… (going to bed, gonna try a new topic tomorrow.) (likely focus on Balance stuff then surprise stuff)

Thanks for the status update these are greatly appreciated!

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