Prepare for 1 hour plus que times dps

Id much rather play vs 1 second hack with 8s dmg boost to me vs being hacked for 5s as a tank. Especially if I can just put my shield back up after 1s, or use my dm against their dmg boosted shots, fortify to get out of there etc.

For the love of God Iā€™m so sick of people saying this.

DPS do not dictate meta. DPS did not ask for 5v5. DPS are not the reason tanks are ā€œbadā€ - tanks are, and have always been, meta-defining.

Stop misguiding your frustration into the ā€œDPS vs. tanksā€ rhetoric.


Iā€™m actually more excited to play tank myself.


Sombra worries me. 40% damage on EMP? 50% boost to damage on hack?


They will be removing that, itā€™s almost guaranteed. Your best hope (and a prayer), right now, is that they let us have 5v5 Open Queue modes.

Many people have been requesting, over the years, for her to be remade as an assassin. Enjoy!

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it sometimes amazes me when i remember how quick they gave up on the idea of no limits as a standard, game releases 3 motnhs later ana is released and all of sudden cant mutiple bastions anymore, especially in a few months after that they reworked lucio which proably would of killed off the the lucio winston spam


Me too. I WILL NOT even touch OW until 2-2-2 is added again ā€œSoloā€ tanking will be an horrible exp


I still want to know the name of the crack dealer that the Blizz devs use for whoever thought that was a good idea.


I am not here to defend Blizzard about anything in this discussion. I am merely speculating on what may happen with OW2 based on everything I have seen

When I do post or quote anything official about Blizzardā€™s policy, I do so to provide factual information to help drive constructive discussion. Trust me, there is a lot of things about Blizzard that I am not happy with, some of which I have made clear here on the forums.

So to accuse me of being ā€œwhite knightā€ when this thread has nothing to do with debating Blizzardā€™s policy and game philosophy is only making you look like a troll.


Nice try, but that isnā€™t an assassin design. Hack marks you for 8 seconds, and tells everyone to focus. Itā€™s like discord but with wall-hack.

Iā€™m not sure they have to, I mean, some modes have just died a natural death in the OCE.

So in some ways it is self balancing. If the mode becomes unpopular, in regions which canā€™t really support it, it just goes away on itā€™s own.

Actually Iā€™m really excited to play the tank role. The only reason Iā€™ve ever not played tank is doom, who might be in the tank role. So maybe I can become a tank one trick. The most threatening thing to tank players is how many heroes theyā€™ll break like sombra or maybe hanzo.

At the very least, no queue times for me :smiley:


Quoted for emphasis.

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Iā€™m not an Arcade player so Iā€™m completely biased, but I kind of hope they do a clean slate and come up with better Arcade modes.

That might be harsh, and alienating too many people ā€“ I donā€™t know. Just my personal opinion.

Well to be fair double shield is still a pretty dominant comp on high elo ladder, and that original ā€œminuteā€ lasted for about half a year, making the overall most popular tank (rein) kind of unplayable, so I wouldnā€™t be surprised if they actually took the measures they did because of the drop in tank players, who just simply didnā€™t want to play bunker 24/7 for months and quit

Congrats you got what you wanted.

I did not want this - but yeah, I think the queue times for DPS is going to be pretty damn rough.

At least Iā€™ll get a lot written while I wait.

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Only for bad tanks. Iā€™m looking forward to it as a highly skilled player.

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Since 2016 im main-tanking with over 3k hours on multiple accounts and archieved GM one my main ones.

Preā€“Lock was a HORRID experiencie and most of the time was ā€œSolo tankingā€ & ā€œSolo healingā€. Until 2-2-2 was introduced then tanking become more ā€œTolerableā€ cuz the 2 dps was being forced to counter 2 tanks and 2 dps.

5 VS 5 will feel exactly as these team-comps of 4-5 dps


Oh, God. As a tank main, Iā€™ll take double shield over playing Rein any day. My main concern is that I havenā€™t seen anything so far that tells me that theyā€™ve managed to solve the ā€œwe need a shield, switch to RiEn or I throwā€ problem. If Iā€™m faced with this nonsense and Iā€™m the only tank on the teamā€¦ well, weā€™ve just lost another tank main.


As a tank main I enjoyed tanking far more in open queue. I was good at solo tanking :sunglasses:

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