Predictable game at this point

Its so funny just how predictable this game has gotten. I win 1-2 games I can already call it that my next 2-3 games are going to be losses and low and behold, leaver, thrower, troll, stomp. After that 1-2 wins and then again, leaver, thrower, troll, stomp. Like at least try and hide it blizz by giving me some losses that actually feel like we did our best but got out played kinda losses not the second we leave spawn were already back in it again


ah yes, your win rate might be getting to high there bud, overwatch doesn’t want you having a win rate above 46%. so here, lets put you with other people who’s win rates are around 20% so the average win rate for everyone is around 30% and put you against another team doing the same to someone else. because this makes alot of sense for competitive .

You would be correct. Overall, I had I think 27 wins and 21 losses. I’ve lost 5 games in a row all 1 sided with 1 win guess what that puts me at 27 wins 26 losses. Best part about the last one is the support i had on my team from the previous game that threw I avoided and they got put on the enemy team and were handed an easy win, meanwhile I tried my best and get put on the loser team that can’t do anything seems extremely fair to me. I Q again and once again as predicted I’ve lost to much so now I’m handed a pity win where its impossible to lose.

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Genuine question… If you honestly believe this is a thing, why do you bother playing.

Surely if you have no control over the results of your games, there’s no reason to play…


50% win rate is the target, that means your placed well.
this season
Zarya: 54%
Junk: 54%
Mercy: 50%
Sigma: 50%
Ramatra: 39%
Moira: 23%
Work out how many times i have played each vs games won.
I’ve been vocal in here in the past it seems pretty balanced atm, Blizz cant control leavers etc. but i am climbing the slow ladder and dropping accordingly. :smiley:

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I don’t believe it’s a thing I know it’s a thing. Due to how often I have experienced it, it’s not a belief. And because overall I like the game I’ve played it since launch

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Given that it isn’t, you can’t “know”, it’s purely a belief.

But if you have no say in results. What’s the point in playing.

Makes no sense that you’d believe such a scummy thing was happening… Yet keep sinking time into it.

At that point, you’re part of the problem. If not THE problem.

This has always been my issue with this conspiracy theory. If you kept getting a bad product from one seller, you’d go elsewhere… If ow is forcing results on you, as logical and stupid as the theory is… You should stop playing and take your business and time elsewhere.

Because it never used to be this way, or as bad as it is now.


Again shrinking population on battlenets end most likely. I bet alot of returning players are choosing to play on steam due to convenience which is also falsely increasing the illusion of more players since that is the only metric we have.

Exactly back in OW1 and start of OW2 i was able to maintain high plat low diamond but with the current state of the game Im bouncing between Silver 1 and Gold 5 due to the sheer amount of unbalanced matches being thrown at me. I have never experienced such lack of teammwork or effort before in this game until OW2 came out.

I also think it has to do with the increase of smurf/alt accounts as well. They always wanna talk about player numbers are great and rising but how many of these players are 2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th accounts?? How many of those accounts are banned accounts that cant play anymore but are still being included in the tally? Surely with those accounts being banned people are more likely to create another one. They banned 40k (exag) cheaters? How many “new” players showed up around that same time?

Ive been on a really bad loss streak this week and at the end of the game I always like to check profiles and I’ve been seeing a lot of lvl 1 endorse priv profiles or lvl 1 endorse profiles with like 6 hours in comp that like to 1 trick and do nothing but die or troll.

So am I gold, plat, diamond or t500? Cuz I play the same heroes on multiple accounts and they all have 50/50 winrates in all those elos.

Once the game says your mmr is where it should be thats it. Theres zero integrity to the game. As soon you get to around 80% wr the game feeds you forced losses. This current account im playin hanzo, it has gone from diamond to gold with an above 50% wr and absurdly high stats.

Got another account that climbs with a barely above 50% and worse stats cuz I use that only for warm up.

Its all borked


It’s a belief. A false one

I’ve legitimately never seen the game in a worse state. I took a 2 week break because Dva meta reeks. I come back play 6 games, literally every single game a team had both DPS going roughly anywhere from 1-19 as the worst to 6-17 was the best. One team had a pair of the “bad DPS” and oh boy, worst I’ve seen in the entirety of OW1 and 2, baring in mind this is masters games. Every single game, 6 total I stomped 2 and got stomped in 4. All 6 due to a pair of the worst DPS ive ever witnessed.

Idk what happened in my absence to have players that bad up in masters but it’s not even a one off, literally 6 in a row, healers dead matched, tanks pretty close, DPS, couldn’t be further apart.

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Yeah, forced 50% winrate just isn’t fun. Most every game being either completely unwinnable or completely unloseable and obvious from the start isn’t fun. I just want games that are actually competitive where I feel like I can actually make a difference, but they feel so rare. The matchmaker is designed to keep you in the same spot. At some point you’ll realize comp is just a giant waste of time and then you’ll play another (better) game that actually rewards you for your efforts. Overwatch is losing players for a reason.


It’s as bad as I’ve seen in 8 yrs.
Are other comp games like this? (Valorant, Apex Legends ect)
What is the point in such a heavy handed matchmaker anyway?

Probably do reduce queue times

100% I understand Im not some pro player nor do I think I deserve to be some high rank player, but good lord at least make the wins/losses feel like they are deserved or something not just a slap in the face kinda thing. Like for example I just ranked back into gold 2 only for the next 3 games to be 1 sided, one with a Rein on an alt that threw from start to finish and then another game with a lucio on an alt purposely jumping off the map

My last 15 games - 13 W 2 L



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