Potential Updates, Changes, and QoL features


  • Push detected smurfs higher and faster so that they spend less time in lower ranks (This will shorten the amount of time they spend disrupting games in lower ranks and prevents them from being able to “boost” their friends through multiple ranks)

  • Allow players to view the leaderboards from other platforms

  • Add the peak rank (As well as the leaderboard spot, if applicable) and region in which the rank was earned to the career profile

  • Display the average rank of the match while loading into a competitive match

  • Bring back the in game looking for group system (Include an option to only allow players with a mic to join, mic input would be tested for by default every time the looking for group menu is opened by just sensing mic input rather than opening a menu to test it, also add an option to require a rank within a certain range, and add an option to require a certain endorsement level, don’t display LFGs to the player that they are ineligible for)

  • Add clans with clan tags (Clan tags are displayed next to a player’s name on the leaderboard and in their career profile) and host seasonal tournaments

  • Add custom map creation for the community (Massive undertaking)

  • Extend the length that the “stay as team” feature is on screen to the end of the play of the game

  • Ensure that all abilities can be held down to be used right away when they come off of cooldown or stop being disabled (Like how currently Tracer’s recall can be used immediately after waking up from being slept by holding down the button)

  • Add a setting that makes Ashe’s weapon continuously fire while the primary fire button is held down (Currently you have to keep pressing primary fire to shoot again)

  • Mark replays with highpoints for the match (Highpoints include deaths, ultimates used, etc)

  • Add sections in game where players can read the patch notes and the balance changes (Without having to leave the game to a browser)

  • Add a workshop rule to the set health, armor, and shields of a character (The current method for doing this in the workshop is unreasonably long)

  • Add a second row for secondary button/key bindings on both PC/Console (Binds put in this section may overlap with others without causing a binding conflict, this will allow players to bind the “jump” action to two different keys)

  • Add a death summary for what instances of damage you took, from whom, and also who you dealt damage to

  • Add a bind in the settings that brings up an explanation of the currently selected setting (For example, the currently selected setting is “aim smoothing”, pressing the bind will bring up an explanation of what the “aim smoothing” setting does and how high or low values affect the setting)

Scoreboard Updates

  • Add team total statistics for eliminations (Shows how well each team participated in each enemy death), final blows (Shows how many times the enemy team died), and assists

Add the following new statistics to the career profile

  • Near Final Blows (Dealt damage to a target that was 35% of their maximum health or lower and the target ended up being eliminated, this helps keep track of who is actively participating in the elimination of a target near death while also accounting for “stolen” final blows)
  • Utility Damage (Damage done to enemy shields, turrets, teleporters, etc)
  • Damage Received (Damage received to your health)
  • Healing Received (Helps a player understand how many resources were being given for them to work with and how much “value” they were able to get with those resources)
  • Damage Blocked (Damage blocked by your shields, turrets, teleporters, etc)
  • Ultimate Eliminations
  • Ultimate Assists (Participation in an elimination during ultimate through healing, damage boost, or speed boost)
  • Ultimates Charged (Number of instances of fully charging an ultimate)
  • Ultimates Used
  • Ultimates Shutdown (Enemy player stunned out of ultimate or eliminated during it)
  • Teammates Saved (Teammate dropped to 20% health but didn’t die after you healed them or teammate took a lethal amount of single instance damage but your shield bubble or suzu blocked it)

New scoreboard additions with abbreviations and digits of space used to track the statistic from left to right

  • E = Eliminations = 3 Digits
  • D = Deaths = 2 Digits
  • A = Assists = 3 Digits
  • NFB = Near Final Blows = 2 Digits
  • FB = Final Blows = 2 Digits
  • SE = Solo Eliminations = 2 Digits
  • D = Damage = 6 Digits
  • H = Healing = 6 Digits
  • UD = Utility Damage = 5 Digits
  • DR = Damage Received = 5 Digits
  • HR = Healing Received = 5 Digits
  • DB = Damage Blocked = 5 Digits
  • UE = Ultimate Eliminations = 2 Digits
  • UA = Ultimate Assists = 2 Digits
  • UC = Ultimates Charged = 2 Digits
  • UU = Ultimates Used = 2 Digits
  • US = Ultimates Shutdown = 2 Digits
  • TS = Teammates Saved = 2 Digits

Console Specific

  • Add a friendly aim assist setting to Kiriko

  • Add health activation thresholds for friendly aim assist (Slider that activates when friendly aim assist takes effect based on percentage of teammate health missing)

  • Add an “extra sensitivity applied when stick is fully tilted” option and an “extra sensitivity ease in” option

  • Split “aim assist strength” into “aim assist slowdown strength” and “aim assist pull strength”

  • Split “aim assist window size” into “aim assist slowdown window size” and “aim assist pull window size”

  • Add a setting that prefers either the “enemy aim assist window”, “friendly aim assist window”, “ignore extra aim assist”, or “extra aim assist” when the aim assist windows overlap (The “extra aim assist” option is the current reaction when aim assist windows overlap)

  • When a window size setting is selected, the size is displayed using a graphic (For example, a transparent square around a training bot representing the window size)

  • When a response curve (aim technique) setting is selected, the curve is displayed using a graph

  • Add settings to create a custom response curve (aim technique)

  • Add a setting that binds the “interact” action to the same bind as the scoreboard (Helps free up a button while also combining the scoreboard and interact actions onto the same button)

  • Add a “see career profile” option while looking at the players on the leaderboards (Currently it just brings up the player’s profile on the current platform, like on Xbox, it just brings up the Xbox profile linked to the player’s account)

  • Darken the outline and force it to stay visible for the current selection in the menu on console (Currently the border is a light blue which is hard to see and it fades in and out making it even harder to see)

  • Add keyboard and mouse support for console and force them to queue under the same rules as PC (E.g., they cannot willingly queue into console for quickplay and can only queue into PC players for competitive)

  • Fix duplicate accounts showing up on leaderboards (This bug might have something to do with players having an account on the leaderboard linked to multiple console accounts)


As a disability setting… Right?

No it’s just so that you can hold the trigger down to fire her primary weapon (you can literally already do this on Ana)

U clearly care more bout the game than the devs.keep screaming into the void,maybe it will scream back

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I didn’t know you could do this as ana… then again, I don’t play sniper style characters cuz my controller is borked

You’re wanting to add way to much inane fluff to the scoreboard. Kill steals will only cause grumpy arguments, and you don’t need to track all the ult info (mid game as others are saying), a kill is a kill.

Yeah… those people shouldn’t play team games

And the ultimate info is important… maybe not mid match but still

Kills/assists with ults show if your team is using your ultimates properly to win team fights, tbf tho they probably don’t need to be on the scoreboard, probably just the game summary/career profile

Yea, I can see the info going in the History/Game Reports section. But mid match on the scoreboard and they want 18 things per person with the 10-12 players, that’s just to much.

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I was thinking the after action score board?

But yeah you have a better idea. I don’t really like the current scoreboard because well… the way it tracks elims is wack so the amount of deaths ends up off from the amount of eliminations

Yea an elim just means you dealt some damage before they died, not really an elim. So you get characters like Moira with huge elim stats just because damage orb tags everyone for 5 damage before they die.

Assists are an odd category too, not every character can get an assist. Just means you had some ability that helped in some way to get an elim. Like Lucio booping someone that a Reaper finishes off. Or Bap using regen burst on you before you get a kill. If anything they should remove that category and replace it with a custom category for each character, like Mercy/Bap/Juno can get Damage Boost added there and other characters can get a single other important stat for them added. But over all no need to inflate the in-game scoreboard to much, with perks and reporting added it already has quite alot atm.