Potential Orisa and Reaper buffs

Think of how Pharah’s fuel gage, Moira and Bastions healing and Defence Matrix works, now apply it to Fortify and Wraith Form.

This change would improve the mid-fight capability of Orisa and Reaper respectively, expanding on their roles in the team and their own individual specialty.

Orisa could be more of an Anchor Tank as she would have more effectiveness against CC rather than escaping (usually one) form of CC. This could enhance her play style allowing her to be more aggressive and enable her front line more as she is usually stuck to wherever her sheild is for 8 seconds until it comes back on cooldown. I would also suggest that it would act like DM, after Orisa stops using it there is a little delay in when she can use it again so that it is counterable.

Similarly, Reaper would have more mid fight potential; alike Orisa he would be able to dodge more CC and overall do more damage as he would have Wraith Form at his disposal as an energy source rather than a cooldown ability. I would suggest his energy gage would work like the rest of the energy gages I mention, he wouldn’t have to wait for a second or so to keep using it like DM. If this change would happen I would say revert his reload thing he gets when he uses Wraith Form because that would be exploitable af lol

These abilities would still be used how they are now, as an invulnerability or an escape mechanism but each hero would gain more flexibility in their play styles, and the much needed effectiveness agaist CC in times of oppressive META’s.

Excuse any grammatical mistakes and feel free to add your two cents, or even any other abilities in game you would want a energy gage for aswell. Here are some more examples, that are more broken imo tho haha:

Cryofreeze. I feel like that is too far lol

Speed boost? but then that’s a harsh nerf to Lucio and all the compositions he enables

I proposed a Reaper rework awhile, but I think Kaplan said Wraith Form would never go on a resource meter.

Putting Fortify on a resource meter is an interesting idea, too.

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I don’t think Reaper requires an entire rework, just QoL changes and straight buffs to his kit.

Armour piercing bullets and a quicker and quieter teleport could be a good start in buffing him. My idea is jus an example of how to incorporate a energy gage system into strong abilities in theory that are weaker in execution due to the state of the game we are in.

Thanks for your addition!