Post Your Most & Least Played Heroes

Post your most any least player heroes and the time player on them. I want to see who are the true flex players in the forums.

Comp - Most Played:
1 - Reaper - 226 hours
2 - Hog - 139 Hours
3 - Soldier 76 - 115 Hours
4 - Zarya - 60
5 - Rein - 47
6 - Cree - 46
7 - Junk - 42
8 - Zen - 35
9 - DVa - 28
10 - Winston - 28 hours

Comp - Least Played:
1 - Mercy - <1 Min
2 - Widow - 5 Min
3 - Sombra - 14 min
4 - Tracer - 24 min
5 - Echo - 1 hour
6 - Pharah - 2 hours
7 - Ball - 2
8 - Sigma - 3
9 - Sym - 5
10 - Baptiste- 5

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Comp last season:

  • Roadhog
  • Zarya
  • Rein

Least played:

  • Every non tank hero because im too impatient to wait in support and DPS queues

Most - zen at 110, least is echo at 15 but she was last hero launched…

Everybody else is above 55 now though

So if I get rid of echo…genji at 55

110-55 hours. That’s a very balanced time range. You’re a flex player

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Most played is Hammond at 305 hours. Over 100 hours on Rein, Orisa, Sigma. 72 on Zarya.

Least played are Ashe, Hanzo, Bap, McCree, Pharah, Widow, and Genji, all under a half hour. Genji is the runaway winner at 4 minutes.

Uhhh. I dunno. Mercy #1 I think cuz I play her when I’m impaired. Widow dead last because playing her is like watching paint dry.

In fairness mystery heroes accounts for about half of that…but in general I try to play everybody equally…

A “main” sounds incredibly boring

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mcree, like 1k hours
genji like 400
doom like 4-500
phara like 300, but shes really easy for me for some reason so like 2k hours
soldierl ike 200

Most Played (General)

Least Played (General)

rein at 50 hours and hog at 38 hours, aka the solo queue carry tanks.

echo at 3 and a half hours and lucio at 5 hours, lucio is only good for spawncamping.

mercy: 63 Hours
Ana: 53 Hours
Brig: 39 hours
Moira: 29 hours

Pharah: 24 hours
Ashe: 23 hours
Symmetra 11 hours

Reinhardt: 23 hours 19 hours
Sigma 17 hours
Orisa 15 hours
Hog 12 hours

This is for all competitive seasons.
My least played is Echo Torb Hanzo Genji Doom and MCCree all at under 1 hour

Most: Orisa/Zarya/Rein
Least: projectile DPS - Echo, Genji, Pharah

Are we talking abaut comp only, if not.
(in comp my most played hero is zarya, with 71% win rate in all comp seasons)

My most played are:
tracer, genji and widow

My least played are:
echo, orisa and sigma

Tracer - 128 Hrs
Reinhardt - 123 Hrs
Lucio - 120 Hrs
Mercy - 106 hrs
Zenyatta - 82 Hrs
(Most played DLC hero is Ana 68 Hrs)
Sigma - 17 Hrs
Ashe - 16 Hrs
Orisa - 15 Hrs
Echo - 14 Hrs
Doomfist - 13 Hrs
(Least played release hero is Bastion 21 Hrs)

This is just for my main xbox account on all modes.

You should play more Mercy.

My most played is Mercy because I love her, least played is Echo because she’s really tough to use with a controller since we can’t bind abilities to multiple buttons on console. Her sticky bombs and glide are both on the same button. Bleh.

Since I rarely play comp, I’ll just post the playtime in general:

Most played:

  • Moira - 88 hours
  • Mercy - 75 hours
  • Mei - 43 hours
  • Ana - 29 hours
  • Orisa - 21 hours
  • Symmetra - 16 hours
  • Widowmaker - 15 hours
  • Brigitte - 13 hours
  • Zarya - 12 hours
  • Sombra - 11 hours

Least played:

  • Reinhardt, Echo and Ashe - 7 hours
  • Zenyatta - 6 hours
  • Roadhog and Genji - 5 hours
  • Pharah and Torbjorn - 4 hours
  • Wrecking Ball, Soldier:76, Bastion, Reaper, Junkrat, Doomfist, Lucio, Hanzo, Tracer, D.Va, Winston and McCree - 3 hours
  • Sigma and Baptiste - 2 hours (Albeit Sigma is higher)

Welp, I ain’t much of a flex player since most of my top played heroes are supports (Only Zenyatta, Baptiste and Lucio are less played).

Most Played:

  1. Widowmaker - 106 Hours
  2. D.Va - 91 Hours
  3. Mercy - 80 Hours
  4. Roadhog - 61 Hours
  5. Moira - 56 Hours
  6. Sombra - 52 Hours
  7. Soldier: 76 - 49 Hours
  8. Reaper - 44 Hours
  9. Bastion - 32 Hours
  10. Echo - 31 Hours

Least Played Heroes

  1. Ashe - 9 Hours
  2. Winston - 8 Hours
  3. Symmetra - 7 Hours
  4. Torbjorn - 6 Hours
  5. Pharah - 6 Hours
  6. Orisa - 6 Hours
  7. Zarya - 5 Hours
  8. Baptise - 3 Hours
  9. Wrecking Ball - 2 Hours
  10. Sigma - 2 Hours

Interesting… I would say I am more flex than the OP but at the same time I only just realised how much of the alternative tanks that I don’t play. Then again Sigma, Wrecking Ball and Zarya aren’t my style of tank to play.

Most Played:

  1. Junkrat - 296 Hours
  2. Mei - 189 Hours
  3. Zen - 93 Hours
  4. Mercy - 90 Hours
  5. Brig - 89 Hours
  6. Sigma - 66 Hours
  7. Ball - 51 Hours
  8. Pharah - 40 Hours
  9. Orisa - 34 Hours
  10. Soldier: 76 - 30 Hours

Least Played Heroes

  1. Widowmaker - 24 mins
  2. Genji - 25 mins
  3. Tracer - 32 mins
  4. Winston - 1 Hour
  5. Ashe - 2 Hours
  6. Doomfist - 2 Hours
  7. - 2 Hours
  8. Hanzo - 3 Hours
  9. Hog - 3 Hours
  10. Bastion - 4 Hours

OQ; most Torbjorn, least Echo.

Comp; most tie between Torb, Zen, and Moira, least Symmetra
(When I played last)

Too lazy type all of them with a phone.

Mercy and Ana only :smirk: