You so baaad! said the one bronze to anoter…
Me [will I ever get level 200?]
It’s not going to happen is it roly…
Balance team
Best joke i have seen in a while
Though they need to stop it now, cause I can’t stop laughing
hope you wil, then you realzie the max lecel is 1000, hapend to me, no fuuuunnnn:(
Dps getting 20% healing reduction on all damage for 2s. It’s not even April yet, c’mon.
Also, why is self healing included in the healing rec’d total? It makes me feel even worse seeing everyone have healing.
Forums after patches
the matchmaking in qp and ranked its a Literal JOKE
Well, with any luck you will find out soon enough-- Mercy to Baptist
Devs giving Zarya buffs
Overwatch 2 Balance Team
What does a monkey wear in the kitchen?
<-- click for answer
an APEron
My friend was called a turbovirgin Reaper one game.
Overwatch 2
Balance Team
Role lock
What would Mercy say she likes about living in Switzerland?
The flag is a big plus
Finally reached GM5. Sorry bro, actually your Plastic 5.
The release of season 9
Researchers for the Massachusetts Turnpike Authority (The MTA) found over 200 dead crows near the greater Boston recently- And there was immediate concern they may have died from Avian Flu (Which is a worrisome because of its capacity to spread to local live stock, such as chickens).
A bird pathologist examined the remains of the crows- but to everyones relief the causes of death were not avian flu. Oddly however, the cause of death appeared to be vehicular impacts.
During the detailed analysis it was noted that various colors of paints were found on the birds beaks and claws. Researchers were able to analyze these paint chip remnants and determine their sources. They found that 98% of the paint chips found were a match for paints commonly used for Semi-Trucks, the remaining 2% matched paint found on regular cars.
The MTA then hired ornithological behaviorists to determine if there was a cause for the disproportionate percentage of truck kills, versus cars kills.
These behaviorists quickly noticed interesting behaviors. They found when crows eat road kill, they always have a look-out crow partner in the near by trees serving as a look-out to warn of impending danger.
It was then discovered that while all the look out crows would shout “CAH”, not a single crow could shout “TRUCK”.
I got another joke. Play another game.