Possible Unpopular Opinion: I miss abilites that add more HP

Understandable, people can get hungry with power, such as I the great Zenyatta dominate lowly attackers


Specifically for Zen getting armour and shields, they had to.

Have you seen Jjonak?


Instant Teamkill, I’ve always wondered if Zenyatta’s Orb volley nerf was due to Jjonak lol

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If I am not mistaken, I think one of the reasons why his charge attack was nerfed because of Jjonak. Well, at least jokingly it was.

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the volley nerf was to nerf Jjonak, make no mistake.

I miss the shield gen a lot… but i miss her photon barrier more… Now i can’t outplay a Mccree stun or roadhog hook with a well timed barrier… although to be fair new sym is not all that bad…

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If we had the game editor.

Then we could at least use these abilities in custom games.

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Those were pretty neat indeed but only created unbalance, specially when talking about shields and armour.
They should be temporary because otherwise, you would be “permanently” removing cons of certain characters, intended to be inherent to their design without much effort.

Thats why all armour bonuses are now temporary and the shield gen doesn’t exist anymore.

I seen it more as good hero synergy.

Which looking back at it always seems to get nerfed. It’s like Blizz doesn’t like hero synergy. It’s not like you’re seeing anything like that in bronze anyways. It’s like nerfing Reaper because he is decent in Bronze but broken with Ana at Platnium.

You should be rewarded for team synergy, not hurt for it. This is how we get to niche heroes who can’t combo with barely anyone like Symmetra or pre reworked Torbjorn.

Yes, 75 shields to everyone on the team until shield gen was destroyed.

Giving her 150 would’ve been broken beyond belief.

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I was not talking about the generator. I was talking about her shield ability before she got two ults. Notice how i said ability and nothing about ult generator.

During the beta it was actually 50 shields and then got nerfed to 25 shields. Only to get replaced with a shield generator that granted 75 shields. Blizzard balancing logic in a nutshell.

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I’d like to think that they would put abilities like that towards future heroes, like Echo, for example. She looks like the shield giving type!

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I miss those so much too. Especially how fun it was to defend the shield gen.

Thank you. It’s hard to keep track of 30 heroes and all the changes they go through in-game life cycle.

It would be nice to see a shield giving hero in the support role that would actually work as a healer. My only fear is that they would that new hero way to good like brig.

Yeah I see your point, giving health is not the same as restoring it, and having both in a composition could prove to be too powerful, just look at what was done about Rally.

I never really felt a problem with the armor, be it Brig’s or Torb’s, but I never liked Shield Generator. The whole hide and seek game you had to devote a sneaky dive hero to was just tiresome and felt like it took away from the actual objective. It was like a sidequest, and when you’re running on 4 minutes, that’s a pretty annoying objective.

I think Echo will bring back in some form distributing shield health to teammates. Like perhaps she has AOE radius that gives +75 shields instead of healing or maybe has the option to switch between healing and giving +75 shields. Her design just screams shield support hero.

I mean besides nerfing Zen and Zarya, why else would they change the order of recoverable shields and non-recoverable armor recently? Perhaps to prepare for a new shield-generating support hero in the near future?

The shield ability added 25 hp in shields. Hardly enough to sway the battle.

I miss No limits 6 Symmetras running around with 650 hp each. It was hilariously broken and fun at the same time.