Possible to get pink mercy back?

Even recolor skin is fine


Blizz has been clear they have no intent on bringing it back.

Plus, she’s been getting more skins than most other heroes, so if it did return, it probably would be unreasonably expensive. For reference, the pink skin was $15 in May 2018.


I know they don’t have plan to do so but just don’t understand why. Blizzard brings back so many old skins in ow2, and why they wont bring the most popular skin?
Even a recolored skin is fine, people will still pay for that.


Yet bringing back literal Blizzcon skins people paid 40 bucks (or more) for is perfectly fine? Being hopeful that they might release a pink mercy recolor isn’t that farfetched considering they’re selling recolors of literal BLIZZCON skins for the THIRD TIME already.

Tyrande Sym was 40 in November 2019 and Raynhardt was 40 in February 2021. All Blizzcon skins with the exception of Demon Hunter Sombra were advertised as limited time exclusive cosmetics, yet are now being resold with a quick and simple recolor (Demon Hunter & Tyrande) or reskin (Raynhardt).

People like to use exclusivity and “it was sold as a limited time cosmetic” as an excuse as to why Pink Mercy shouldn’t or wouldn’t come back, yet limited time skins (even more expensive than Pink Mercy) are already getting brought back. If you want to argue why Pink Mercy shouldn’t or wouldn’t come back, let’s use the possibility that their contract with BCRF is hindering them in their rights to bring it back. Because “limited time” and “exclusive” holds no merit anymore, now that BLIZZCON skins are getting resold.


They should definitely bring it back, I will raise my review score to 10/10 (currently 9.7) if they do…


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Is the Sin’dorei skin just a recolor of the Tyrande Skin? I also wonder if we’ll see a revamped Illidan Genji skin as well.

I guess after considering Blizzard InflationTM, the updated price for Pink Mercy would be around $60-100 if they were to re-release it this year. I’m sure BCRF would love another multi million dollar check from a surprise 2024 charity drive!

But it should be pretty obvious the reason Blizzard won’t do it because there is zero financial incentive for them to do so, unless they wouldn’t mind suffering another wave of social media outrage, this time for taking a percentage cut from each sale. (Heck, with all the negativity and hate they receive from just about everything they do and don’t do, aren’t they kinda deadened to all the feedback noise by now? Because honestly? I think they should just do it, even if they took a 75% cut from sales! They already have the blessing from BCRF to run more charity drives!)

wow jeez so intense. It’s not “an excuse”. Just from reading word is Blizz explicitly said it wouldn’t. idk idc idgaf

I think at this point it’s a safe bet they’re going to recolor and bring everything back at some point.

Raynor and Tyrande are just the latest reminder of that.


They said they don’t have a plan for now, but since they got so many old skin back by recoloring them, I feel they should bring pink mercy back…
But who knows, blizzard always makes bad decisions.

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actually, no, this is not what Blizzard has said

the other skins arent really relevant to a discussion of Pink Mercy

but yes, undoubtedly, the cost will be higher if they do choose to offer it again

a recolored version of Pink Mercy will be a different color, and it will be a different skin

those who want Pink Mercy will generally still want the original Pink Mercy

BCRF has already stated - multiple times, recently, and in writing - that they’d like to see the offer return

so BCRF isnt an obstacle to the skin returning

Honestly, I dont know what the obstacle(s) are, but BCRF isnt one of them

thats probably gonna be the final needed piece to make it happen, Hulk, thanks dude :slight_smile:

again, thats not what they said


actually, there is a tax deduction for Blizzard for the charitable donation, and as such, they do have a very large financial incentive to do so


I think they care more about setting impressive quarterly earnings numbers that they can then put on a chart with historical numbers that showcase trends (hopefully positive) for them brag about to their investors than they do about including a footnote about a tax deduction.

this misses the point entirely

the value of 1 dollar in profit from all/any other source is the same as 1 dollar in tax deductions

its an additional dollar in the overall financial piggybank either way, and either is equally evident to investors in reports

It is not a “footnote”, it is a source of profit, same as any other in terms of dollars retained

It’d be so damn funny if they just recolored it and put a skin in the shop called “green mercy” :skull:

Like to add that Pink Mercy served as a test bed for them to see if people will pay money for special skins.

After Pink Mercy they rolled out the All Stars Genji and Tracer, but when they tried to charge 300 tokens / USD 15 like Pink Mercy, the backlash made them cut it down to 200 tokens / USD 10.

well, it’d be Green Mercy

Pink Mercy would remain a distinct and separate skin, and still asked for by many potential donators

since Pink Mercy was/is a charity skin, and they others were not, I dont think this is applicable

No it was a limited time charity skin that made money for charity partially because of its exclusivity. I don’t like FOMO but next time they do something like this if it makes people more likely give money to charity its a good thing.

illidan genji is so beautiful i would genuinely love a recolour

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