Positivity forever šŸ˜œ

Your already doing better than me with the ignoring part :rofl::joy::rofl:

And Iā€™ve dreamt of learning a second language :sweat_smile:

Basically yes but when doing so Iā€™ll be monitoring them to make sure things are going smoothly and step in if things get too bad :neutral_face:

But youā€™d have your own unique spin I had my own flare I canā€™t wait to see how you make your positive threads :thread:

And if you want you could put everlasting hope as your signature itā€™s not a must but it could help get word out if you want to use it :smile:

Though I think these forums are in good hands we have 3 people already on board and ready to post positive threads I can already see this group growing and doing so much more :yum:

Everlasting Hope :evergreen_tree:


Oh wow Iā€™m lateā€¦ hey guys. Just want to do my daily check-in, how are things here?


Seems ok. Quiet as most positivity threads are wont to be.


As silenthill said better than usual which makes me a bit suspicious but besides GreenJuice choke to death comment yesterday things here have been fairly quiet.

Everlasting Hope :evergreen_tree:


Well, better is certainly nothing to be complaining about. Yeah there likely wonā€™t be a day anytime soon where everyone is nice but thatā€™s what weā€™re striving for. We can do this. We just have to work together, as a team.

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Thank you, Auriel.
Well, i suppose that once you get to my age (44 yrs old) and having been through the things which i have and seen the things i did, discernment on who deserves oneā€™s attention becomes clearer and easier.
I used to try and give everyone the time of the day, be polite to all including goons but well, sometimesā€¦it just does not pay to be so.
There are others more deserving and with my limited time and energy, i would rather devote my efforts towards such people, such as yourself.

It really is easier than one would think.
I would say that in Singapore, we are fortunate (although my children would beg to differ). It is mandatory that we learn a second language, typically our Mother Tongue i.e. for the Chinese, it would be Mandarin; for the Malays, it would be Malay language etc.

So while we learn English and use English for everything, we also learn a second language from the time we are in kindergarten until the end of (your version of) Junior Highschool.

Letā€™s see how it goes.

We shall see. =)

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Honestly, you all should get a real job instead of talking about absurd threads related to being ā€œpositiveā€ in a silly videogame.

Agreed and wow you made so many good points :sweat_smile:

Also since you made a thread specifically for this group its going to be hard to ignore lets hope it goes well not gonna lie though Iā€™m partially scared but since this thread is still going Iā€™m still here so you made this thread with perfect timing :smile:

Everlasting Hope :evergreen_tree:

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Itā€™ll go fine, thereā€™s three people here to make sure of it.

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My full-time job is to post in video game threads about positivity.

Since youā€™re also in this thread, does that make you my coworker?


Funny joke, maybe thatā€™s why you all deal with depression, no surprise.

Silly video game huh how about stupidly toxic video game now if youā€™ll excuse me I have positivity to spread! bye bye now :grin:

Everlasting Hope :evergreen_tree:


i dont know why you want to brag about your positivity

Keep it to yourself or are you so empty inside?

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Huh same could be said about negativity but I donā€™t see you saying this about such a thing interesting :thinking:

Everlasting Hope :evergreen_tree:


If you go on a positivity thread to complain about it, wouldnā€™t that make you the empty one? We have positivity, respect. Most other players out there join chat and scream at each other.


you didnt understand so you are so empty inside a real positive is also negative but transforms that negative force in the fuel to be better.

you cant always be positive youll eaither go crazy or end up plummeting to madness.

I assume they have no social skills, and probably no one ever notice them so posting things online so random strangers give them ā€œloveā€ must be like their c***ine or something.

Iā€™m positive because thatā€™s my personality it has nothing to do with being empty inside Iā€™m brave enough to march through this muck called the forums along with several others weā€™re not weak :unamused:

Everlasting Hope :evergreen_tree:


No, actually. Weā€™re trying to heal the damage done to the community by toxic players who mindlessly shout at each other like uncivilized savages. And donā€™t tell me that doesnā€™t happen. Because it does. We are making a stand, and welcoming anyone to join us. The fighting has to stop.

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Thankfully that will never stop (:
It will increase every day, week, month, all your efforts are pointless.