Poll! Mercy players: Do you like her changes?

I think the regen change is worse than the ga one

But both are still terrible

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Yeah I find myself keeping a sharper eye on my Mercy’s now more than ever as their other Support. Knowing she can’t heal herself unless she’s tied herself to someone who’s wounded while I’m throwing heals left, right, front, and center is a pain.

Because that means I have to not heal whoever she jumps to, which if she doesn’t get to them fast enough, means they die. But if I do heal them, she doesn’t get healing, which means she’s more likely to die.

It’s literally a lose/lose situation and they were stupid for thinking this was a smart idea.


Nope! Battle mercy is no fun anymore. The slightest bit of pressure forces her off.
Imagine an Ana having to bail at the slightest pressure.

Yeah ga change sucks, but youre basically throwing if youre not healbotting in ult.
They made her too easy to kill while ulting.


I am not a fan of the changes, but I am not a Mercy player, so I left the poll unsullied. I just wanted to say that it feels horrible and I am scared to see who is next.


The only part of the change i don’t like is the 2.5sec GA. Everything else i am okay with

Well, I do like the healing changes…

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i’d prefer it if lifesteal was from boosted damage

My fear is what happens if they nerf Ball but keep the Mercy changes? Ball being good now is what’s keeping Widow/Sojourn from feeling even more oppressive imo. The widow 175hp nerf is ok but she’s basically at the same power level she was in OW1. And tbh she should’ve been nerfed even more given that she gets an inherent buff in the 5v5 environment compared to 6v6. A 67hps pocket on snipers with no dive threats is one of the worst things I can imagine for the game. Balance feels good now but the devs can shatter it at any time… :woozy_face:

TBH, nerfing Ball and keeping the Mercy changes is fine.

Assuming they drop Widow to 150hp, and make it so Sojourn can’t headshot with a basic rail.

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I like some changes-like the healing interactions with low health allies. I’ve been wanting that since her Nerf to 50hps in OW1.

But the clunkiness the GA Nerf kinda left behind is just not doing it for me.

Dont need to call miss cleo for a free tarot reading to predict the future of this one.


They’ll ruin Hog next!

Oh wait… Sombra?

No wait…


It’s very likely they end up accidentally buffing them given the devs obsession with giving compensation buffs to heroes that don’t need them lol.

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I don’t main mercy, but as a flex player who plays her often. It was a great change

Battle Mercy died 7 febuary. Leech Mercy was born instead

I almost said not sure… I play pretty much everyday, and yes I play mercy a lot.

It’s hard because I really do love the amplified healing below 50% health and the strengthen Valk healing numbers. I feel like I can actually save a tank now and that’s never been the case much before.

I’m indifferent on the sympathetic recovery it has its pros and cons. If I had to choose though I would ditch it as it’s loosing her self agency and makes her rely even more on her team.

I absolutely hate that they completely ditched self regen in Valk.

The 2.5 sec GA is completely wrong. I’ll die on that hill. They should of messed with the super jump meter or found a different way to balance her movement/survivability that didn’t feel like completely dog :poop:.

So ultimately if I had to decide I said no- because if she stays how she is (which I don’t see the devs reverting here) she’s going get more nerfs down the road. I know it. I amplified health of below 50% is too strong. Especially in lower ranks the frustration is high. Plus rez and damage boost is still under scrutiny.

No- I’ve been playing her a lot, and I don’t like the changes as a whole. Is it something I can suck up and adapt and still love and play her though- yes.


The new healing is nice but feels kinda dumb to play against and her movement feels TERRIBLE now she feels like a walking or standing or floating simulator for half the game now.

Whoever on the Dev team decided to rework GA into this omnidirectional meter monstrosity that not a single Mercy player asked for and then nerf the CD instead of reverting to OW1 GA or nerfing the slingshot is…not my favorite person right now\

Mercy used to feel like a constant flow gameplay wise. Flowing across the map and teamfight. Now you fly to a location, anchor yourself at it and abuse LoS break on her beam while making people immortal, and relocate to a new spot as needed. Zzz boring.


Yes! My thoughts exactly! I’ve been yelling from the rooftops that the GA cooldown isn’t the problem.

Before going to Overwatch2, Blizzard debated her mobility in the Beta with content creators/streamers/players and how they could address the issue were only a minority could actually execute all of the special techs with superjump. Make it official they probably thought.

Because they needed the character to be more intuitive for the average player and also make sense. :roll_eyes:

And that’s how we got the Omnidirectionality variant for specialists, and the Crouch SuperJump for basically all new and casual players.

Enter “let’s nerf something that been with the hero for literally ages and leave untouched the new addition that created these problems”. UGH.

I swear to god you and a few other mercy players knew she’d get nerfs later down the road. I knew it too… I HATE what they did.

It’s the meter and the omnidirectional movement. :sob: Give me back my 1.5 GA. But like hell they would ever listen…


Not a main, but I’ve always enjoyed her up until this season and usually kept her somewhere in my top 3 supports.

The one thing (despite how flawed other areas were) that always made her fun rested in her mobility and how fluid her gameplay loop was. Now her movement feels janky, the flow is completely interrupted, she’s more incentivized than ever to sit and pocket, GA CD doesn’t even line up with Rez ffs. Breaking her flow was not the way to go. Blizzard never should have forced the easy SJ in the first place, but the least they could do is directly nerf it instead of making the movement she always had suffer instead.

Besides, the changes did nothing to address the eternal complaints about damage boost, resurrect, or pocking in general. Aspects of her of which I might add, quite a lot of Mercy players have been frustrated with as well.

And as vehemently as I dislike the changes from the Mercy perspective, I despise playing against them even more.

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Would I prefer a 1.5cd? Yeah, who wouldn’t? Do I need it? Nah. I can adapt.

Did the changes make sense to me? No. Do I think she can retain her previous mobility while not being a problem? Yes.

In the end I’ll play her when I feel she is the best option, and I’ll continue as I have when it comes to playing her. That simple. It’s not a big deal.

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