Poll! Mercy players: Do you like her changes?

I’d like to keep this voting to mercy players only please.



So anyone who has played mercy? Or mercy mains.

Anyone who plays mercy I guess. I wouldn’t want someone who never plays mercy but hates the hero to sway the vote. I couldn’t stop them anyway but just thought I’d ask lol.

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I adapted.
She is less fun now but still fun


Every thing was fine but GA

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Having no regen makes you reliant on your other support who will never be there for you. You are just a free kill with no regen. Actually terrible idea. Regen while healing is god awful as well. Not once has it helped me in over 100 games.


Kind of no way to know how many of these responses came from non-mercy players for what it’s worth.


that picture of bugs bunny saying no

I think the regen change is worse than the ga one

But both are still terrible

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Yeah I find myself keeping a sharper eye on my Mercy’s now more than ever as their other Support. Knowing she can’t heal herself unless she’s tied herself to someone who’s wounded while I’m throwing heals left, right, front, and center is a pain.

Because that means I have to not heal whoever she jumps to, which if she doesn’t get to them fast enough, means they die. But if I do heal them, she doesn’t get healing, which means she’s more likely to die.

It’s literally a lose/lose situation and they were stupid for thinking this was a smart idea.


Nope! Battle mercy is no fun anymore. The slightest bit of pressure forces her off.
Imagine an Ana having to bail at the slightest pressure.

Yeah ga change sucks, but youre basically throwing if youre not healbotting in ult.
They made her too easy to kill while ulting.


I am not a fan of the changes, but I am not a Mercy player, so I left the poll unsullied. I just wanted to say that it feels horrible and I am scared to see who is next.


The only part of the change i don’t like is the 2.5sec GA. Everything else i am okay with

Well, I do like the healing changes…

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i’d prefer it if lifesteal was from boosted damage

My fear is what happens if they nerf Ball but keep the Mercy changes? Ball being good now is what’s keeping Widow/Sojourn from feeling even more oppressive imo. The widow 175hp nerf is ok but she’s basically at the same power level she was in OW1. And tbh she should’ve been nerfed even more given that she gets an inherent buff in the 5v5 environment compared to 6v6. A 67hps pocket on snipers with no dive threats is one of the worst things I can imagine for the game. Balance feels good now but the devs can shatter it at any time… :woozy_face:

TBH, nerfing Ball and keeping the Mercy changes is fine.

Assuming they drop Widow to 150hp, and make it so Sojourn can’t headshot with a basic rail.

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I like some changes-like the healing interactions with low health allies. I’ve been wanting that since her Nerf to 50hps in OW1.

But the clunkiness the GA Nerf kinda left behind is just not doing it for me.

Dont need to call miss cleo for a free tarot reading to predict the future of this one.


They’ll ruin Hog next!

Oh wait… Sombra?

No wait…