Plz remove XP reward for endorsing

Just don’t endorse those you dont feel is worthy. XP doesn’t mean much dude. All it does is give you a new border

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Honestly I kind of like the XP incentive, but having to use endorsements on 3/5 of your team really skews the numbers, would prefer if it was 2 endorsements max and each gave 35 xp.

I don’t think you have to endorse anyone ever if you don’t feel like it. It’s for the greater good and seems pretty fair and unexploitable.

25 XP or not i don’t care i will endorse who i think deserves it most and if no one on my team was deserving of it i wont endorse simple as that.

This isn’t supposed to be critical, or mean, but you spelled “Endorsing” with a C in your title.

actually i agree with OP… id rather know that somebody clicked that endoresment because of how i played, not because they got bonus for that

myaby bonus XP should be only for endorsed player? this would promote sportsmanship


Was this changed recently?

I could’ve sworn I was getting 50exp per endorse


Giving endorsements should reduce your own endorsement decay for a short time. Say each one you give out reduces your decay by 2% for 24 hours. You can stack this up to 30%.

In return increase the base decay rate by 15% to increase the reason to give out endorsements.

People complaining about endorsement XP are very bad at math. It’s such a minuscule amount that it takes over 200+ matches for you to gain a level from it.

I recall reading a while back that you get 150 for giving out all the endorsements. That would be 134 games.

90% of the population will never hit endorsement 5 then.

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You get 50 XP per endorsement. You’d literally have to endorse 400 people just to gain a single extra level. What does it matter?


What’s the point of endorsements as it is? It is indicative of how much you play overwatch and pretty much nothing else.

I use three endorsements every match and give them to healers and tanks every match. As someone who doesn’t use mic much at all but plays healer, I get multiple endorsements every round. The system as it is, is a waste of development resources and serves no function.

youre missing the point. it makes the entire system fake. i could care less how long it takes to get a level or not. its more about making the system genuine or not.


Your character level is an already indicator on how much you play the game.

Their purpose is to separate friendly players from toxic players. The LFG system also has a setting that lets you only allow people with endorsement level >= your choice to join your group. People are also reporting getting free loot boxes for having an endorsement level. Jeff stated that gifts would be given out from time to time to people with high endorsements and those that maintain high endorsements.

However, there are some people already abusing the system. Some have openly stated on the forums here that they give their endorsements to the most toxic people on the team just to get the EXP points.


Yeah, people just throwing out endorsements for the XP.

While they’re at it, should also remove endorsing the enemy team on consoles. The whole team on console could be giving “good sportsmanship” to the most toxic guy on the other team and would have no clue lol.

The idea is good, but the incentives are inflating levels.

Ok. I have another idea.

Don’t remove XP for endorsement, but make it dependent on other teammates choice.
Like if player A receives 5 endorsements and you endorsed him - you receive 100 XP. If player B receives 1 endorsement and you endorsed him - you receive 20 XP.

There can be a problem when ppl play in group, but just subtract endorsements by friends in that case.

If someone likes the idea feel free to make a new topic about it.

you should endorse a player for any other reason than gaining xp…

Giving xp will incentive fake endorsements, even if xp is 1.

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In fact each player should able to endorse only one person.
I don’t understand why 3 endorsement/player are possible, it does not make sens.

Also, a question ? do we lose endorsement level if we don’t play often ?
Cuz I was rank 4, and decay, 3 time I got rank 4 u_u
What the point to do your best and be recognize (or get random endorsement) if it’s don’t stay ?

In other hand when ppl leave a game before the end, they should lose 1 entire rank.


Explain this, qp match, no comms at all, no voice, no chat.

I received three shot callers and a good team mate.

Please, explain that was not done because of the exp.