Pls fix player icons on the forums

I already have everything tho, i guess some players must have been very unlucky or something :man_shrugging:t2:

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Idk I actually like that my name and icon is stuck like this on the forums because people from here were legit insulting me in the game like “Oh look it’s Doggo haha gonna cry to me on the forums??” :confused:

I’ve changed my icon on console, and it has stayed the same on the forums. I have logged out and back in on both console and these forums. no change.

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I’ve come to peace with the fact I will forever be Pink Mercy.

There are far worse things to be stuck as.

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Yeah, we need a fix
Im stuck with the ana icon, and want to change it to the lucio kambô icon because it looks sick

Replying to confirm the above quotes… this seems to be an “unofficially known” issue (encountered, observed and reported by multiple players, but not acknowledged on the official “Known Issues” topic.) And, replying to consolidate links for reference… the symptoms have changed slightly over time, as noted in this topic:

But, as of this post, this issue unfortunately is still present and impacting players (myself included).

Yes it does remain an issue.

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