Plesantly surprised with Ventures balance

The absolute horror. How dare Blizzard expect you to not tunnel vision…


Ofc you’d like Venture, such a cheese hero. She is rat just like the rat.

Running full dive with venture, you get dived on and Venture gets to kill you for free there’s no counterplay.

Skill issue :man_shrugging:


(post deleted by author)

I kind of wish that when you would drill into the ground, the animation was a lot faster, and the movement speed while traveling through the ground was faster too, but I’m guessing they gave Venture shields instead of speed because of the large hitbox, which does make sense.


Overall, the design is really good in both the fun and competitive aspects, so I can’t really complain. :ok_hand:


Hit a nerve…


Have to disagree, this character is one of the worst balanced new characters I have come across, it can simply go underground to often and for long distance, it is horrible to come across for a support character. The time it takes before it can burrow underground again needs adjusting.

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His jimmies are entirely ruffled. Look what you did. How dare you not worship the almighty “point and click” skills


Got him so bad he deleted the post. You love to see it.


Fair assessment, actually has me excited for space ranger and future heroes knowing that everyone will be able to play them and that heroes shouldn’t be designed to sell passes anymore.


I had them in a few games and they seemed fine. Then I got 2 games in a row where the player had obviously been practicing a lot already and their movement was crazy! It was actually quite impressive to see compared to the previous games.

I suspect once people get used to the movement and the combos something might have to be toned down. But for this weekend the good players are rare enough not to worry about it.

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“mostly balanced” are u kidding me? supports being OP is bad but dps being OP is good the hypocrites man.

Not this time.

Either is bad. But I don’t feel this hero has been broken overpowered like we’ve seen with some other hero releases in the past.

I just really don’t like how long the animation of her burrow is. The way you could use it as an escape is totally nullified because of that super long windup. Feels really clunky on that part and in my opinion could use some changes to make it feel better. Her hitbox is maybe a little bit too fat (lifeweaver situation) but that’s about the only thing i’d change about her. Everything else mostly feels fine and well placed.

I have alerted the pun police. Enjoy your remaining freedom while you can, villain. :oncoming_police_car:


Venture I think is super good. Not OP but have noted a couple of qol improvements outside of the obvious numbers tweaks

  1. The burrow cycle could do woth smoothing to make it feel more fluid. Its very stop start. I would love personally for it to be like

Dive (with the ability to still kill but speed the animation up a little)

Increase burrow speed but compensate with duration if a trade off has to be made

Then smooth out the charge and erupt.

It just feels very dive. Pause. Burrow. Pause. Charge and erupt.

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Agreed. They get absolutely demolished at a distance, but it’s the first character in OW2 I’ve played where if someone dives you it makes them truly regret it. Even then you have to play smart with the cooldowns.

Nope… She still busted and ruin the balance and make reinhardt useless to fight her.

To me Venture feels about as annoying as any other flanker. I don’t really see any reason for the character to be nerfed or buffed? That might change as people get more skilled with the hero though and we actually find out that Venture is actually crazy busted. But for now, the balance seems fine.

Waiting until her official release she’s flat out broken. Although less likely with her being free on next season release.