Nah. This is ridiculous. The standard is terrible and most of these new players have already quit anyways. Let’s not play pretend that they actually wasted money on OW after having wasted money on other F2P games.
Standard =/= good.
Standard =/= acceptable.
The monetization is unacceptable.
If it’s also standard, that means all the other games that are also doing it are also unacceptable and need to be equally berated.
And those players are fools for spending that much on a skin in any game ever made.
Really? I can only think of a handful of single items in Fortnite that (used to) cost $20. But after the v buck changes, you would be hard pressed to find a single, individual item that costs $20 in the game.
And, honestly, if this game was more like fortnite, in terms of monetization, I would welcome it far more than the current system.
I would love to be able to earn my premium currency back from just completing my paid BP. I would love for customization of skins and items to be more common than just for them to be locked behind a Mythic tier skin. I would love if bundle items could be purchased separately (in most cases). I would love for bundles around the $25 or $30 price range to include more than one main skin or to have an (almost) complete set for a hero. And so on and so forth.
Hell, even as greedy as this game is, they’re doing some things better than OW2. Yes, they do price single skins at almost $20. But they also give you back your premium currency for paid battle pass completers. They don’t tie their hero unlocks to a specific battle pass. They actually have a free currency in the game and allow you to earn loot boxes for free by just playing (collecting treasure packs, leveling up, completing event challenges, etc).
TLDR: Yeah, I get that a lot of these monetization systems are present in many other free to play titles. It’s how they make money and it’s why we get more content. However, there are many of them that do it far better than OW2, in multiple capacities. And that’s my big issue with all this, honestly.
$20 is what this game should have costed in total for the promised PVE
Instead we are left with a greedy butchered version of 1 that will end up costing everyone thousands for cosmetics.
that doesnt mean we can be the industry standard to push to a more consumer friendly direction.
there is no relation between cosmetic complains and gameplay complains.
we can be vocal about both and try to get the devs and execs to see our point of view to try and push good changes
Probably? Sounds like a highly uninformed opinion if you don’t even know what they offer. There’s a significant amount of fan favorite / quality skins at that price point. A large amount of these skins at this price point give all new visuals in terms of armor, weaponry, attack aesthetics and ability effects, some of which are from very popular skin lines at a price point that’s roughly $8.40 (rounded up 1 cent). A significant improvement over some literal recolors that cost 10 dollars in OW (not even talking about legendary recolors), that don’t afford you new gear, near weapons, new anything. A lot of these 975 RP skins offer way more than even a lot of these 1900 skins. That’s just sad.
Value in League just goes up from there, and even at the slightly higher price tiers, you’re still offered significantly more value at a fraction of the cost than anything you can get in OW, all while still affording people the option to obtain skins freely by playing the game. It goes without saying, but Riot is massively profitable, almost making as much as OW did in 3 years in a single year. In other words, a company can still be massively profitable while being F2P and reasonably priced. The current pricing is attempted greed at work, it’s as simple as that
So what ARE you saying. Because everything up there looks like a defense of what is being done in the name of “but everyone else is doing it”.
Are you asking people NOT to berate people for buying stuff? Cause that’s fair. People can do what they like with their money.
Are you asking for us to accept this is going to be the standard here now? Cause I will NOT. I’m not buying anything and all in all they are doing their best to drive me away by disabling characters I like and several cosmetics from my grasp since I will not (and cannot) play more than a couple hours a week and will NOT play a game to a corporations schedule nor pay 120 dollars for ONE thing I want.
It shouldn’t be the standard.
Literally 2 skins cost the same as entire Overwatch 1 where we got LOADS of skins.
There is no way you can justify that price for a single skin.
It’s certainly not as good of a deal, lol. And I can see why people would complain. But, it is what it is.
The only upside for me is, I don’t care about skins. And not only that, I have hundreds of skins from OW1, lol. So, I might just not pay anything.
I totally disragree, i have played fortnite For a while, i like to Buy skins, but the skins of overwatch 2 are overpriced, in fortnite You can get a skin with various Styles, a pickaxe, an emote, a backpack and a glider For $20, it’s not the same.
Correct me if i’m wrong but aren’t there several ways in Fortnite to get skins free too? Like a MUCH easier way than the 8 month grind in OW2?
There’s no skins in the BP free track AFAIK… but once you buy the track ONCE you can get the next one for free if you spend time just playing AND stack up a little extra to buy other items.
You can also buy into the BP for free after … 3 BP’s worth of free stuff I think? 10-12 weeks each. It’s a very slow ramp up but once you’re in, you rack up stuff much faster.
Fortnite basically makes it dumb NOT to buy the BP once at least if you’re playing regularly cause there’s tons of stuff that you can pick and choose to unlock as well as premium currency in the BP itself.
Skins vary in price due to obscure rarity but I’ve never seen one over 1500 currency which works out to like 10-12 dollars if you’re straight up buying it due to “bonus” currency.
It’s still full of traps and “please play our game as much as possible” but it’s MUCH more generous as far as allowing free players to earn items and the stuff is much cheaper.
Some of my favorite skins are actually the cheap ones haha Bilgewater Swain is a perfect example as it is one of my favorites. So saying something isn’t “worth buying” is subjective… what I personally would consider not worth buying is an already overpriced skin that I’m forced to buy in a pack just so Blizz can use that as an excuse to charge even more for it yay
Yeah, it’s still over all better in Fortnite. At least casuals have SOMETHING to play toward.
Oh, of course.
While I did kind of defend Fortnite previously in this thread, I do want to be clear in saying that I do NOT think it is a perfect system. Improvements could definitely be made and I would always want more fair and balanced systems for consumers in the games we play.
At the end of the day, these are all multi-million, multi-billion, or multi trillion dollar companies. Corporations are not your friends and people should always advocate for what’s fair and just for them, because these places will not make those changes on their own (in most cases).
This all being said, we are talking about Fortnite vs OW2, here
And, I mean, come on, it just doesn’t compare. It’s no contest. For $8 USD (plus tax), you can get the Fortnite battle pass, with loads of rewards that go up to lvl 200 (and most of them are real rewards, not just grinding through 120 tiers of name titles). As long as you play “enough”, you will get all your v bucks back, plus 550 extra, every season.
In OW2? That same (about) $10 will get you one BP. And while you technically can get more free currency per season on OW2, it requires doing all your challenges, every week, for the season. For games like Fortnite and Apex, it’s just baked into the pass. And that system is much more preferable to most people, especially because if they’re sick for a few days or a week, they can always go back and finish whatever challenges they had to help up their BP.
To me, they have absolutely misunderstood their player base (customers) and the market situation for these goods from the get-go.
I was actually defending the pricing before launch, too, but now that I see what they are doing in practice, I can’t accept it anymore. This is NOT industry standard as many before me said already. I expected 20$ at max for big bundles with skins comparable to Mythic skins (like the Genji one) or very popular Event skins. Selling recolors (chromas in other games) for 19$ worth even in the bloody hero gallery is the wrong move. The player base has many completionists that like their hero gallery to be as full as possible. That they have to overthink every little buying decision because even standard voice lines from new heroes cost a little fortune, is prepostrious and not the way to go. Faking price reductions to give a sensation of a very special offer (because the bundle was never sold in its original price) makes people ask “The price would have been 33$??? Are you nuts???” instead of actually considering it a great offer.
I already said to a friend that if they would make their pricing more reasonable, I probably would have used up my current coin balance and bought more currency. With feeling scammed, I don’t buy out of protest and would only buy things that I really fall in love with or are “useful” to me as it fits my hero pool.
The Kiriko bundle is a good example for me personally. I like the skin, I like the bundle, I would buy it, but not for 26$. Funny is that I don’t even play Kiriko, I barely even play support nowadays and I would still consider buying it because it is cool, but 26$ is not reasonable for me. And I would do that with many other skins and bundles, too. I would buy them because they are cool and I like to collect/complete even if I don’t really play the hero. But with the current pricing, I overthink the decision and feel bled out if I would buy it. I’m sure many other people think that way, too.
It’s not. $20 for a bundle of 2 skins + weapons/backbling/pickaxes/actually neat stuff is the norm. $20 for a single legendary skin is not the norm at all and the event skins are exactly the same price.
When I bought ghost face in Warzone is ghost me exactly the same amount as it ghost me to get any other skin.
And I do not play those games, just like how I will not play OW2
LEAGUE WAS ALWAYS A FREE GAME. most of us paid $40 or whatever for OW, where they promised they wouldnt do this sh–. now they release a slightly tweaked version, take the original offline, and replace it with this f2p money grabbing trash no one asked for.
Then they should raise their standards and stop marketing to young impressionable children who don’t understand monetary value…