Please tell me we're getting a real archives event this year

As in more than 2 skins and they aren’t history themed again


Expect the bare minimum for all events till OW2 drops.
Devs have told the community this already.


the OW team when they drop one single skin for archive event: ┬┴┬┴┤(・ω├┬┴┬┴



They never said we would only be getting 2 skins

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Idk, think the beta is basically an event. Also hot take: archives aren’t exciting.

Or are you literally just talking about the skins?

At best we get new challenges for archives.

They said they are fully focused on working on OW2, and that is the reason for not having new content for OW1.
Expect not not get much content till OW2 drops, as it’s their #1 priority to get the game out to everyone as soon as possible.

Yeah. “Most skins from any year before” :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


I like it when I have to keep telling people what the developers said or point out an article which they said something , because everybody seems to just ignore what they say and want to continue to whine and complain since that’s what they are used to doing in the forums anyway

but see the skins arent even done by the people working on ow2

Also just because the devs have said something doesn’t suddenly mean you no longer have the right to complain. If you’re mad the events are small with minimal added skins go complain.

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But it’s still resources they have to commit. When those resources could be going to paying developers to work on ow2.

Whoever makes the skins are not making the skins for free or as charity work.

It makes the most sense that those people that are making the skins are making skins for ow2. As for the cosmetics that will be released with the game.

Archives are the best event.


Honestly I don’t mind this so much because it gives us a chance to spend coins on stuff we’ve missed (if anything) so that we can go into OW2 owning all the OW1 cosmetics.

I’m most anxious for anniversary, trying to save up as much coins as I can since I’m not missing much. Really want to make sure I have everything before OW2.

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What they could do is open the vault of all the temporary challenge skins to buy them again, the reality: 3 epic and 0 legendary.

“the year with most skins”.

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Archives was always exiting when they still told a new story every time. And I also think that the lore skins of the event was also a big part why it is so hyped. Last year with no new lore and no new lore skins was a big disappointment.

I am sure it is when you think about it that we get a OW2 PvP release at the end of the year most likely.

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How cute people think that skins is content for an event and make an event a success or not. :man_facepalming:

This archives event will be like the previous ones : 0 new content, and the rare cosmetic stuff that will be added, will be obtained in the first week in chests, making the 2 other weeks completely without any interest.

So… unless we get a new archive event or at least new variations of the challenges for the missions that already exists, it will be a huge disappointment. Even if I don’t expect anything anymore coming from them.

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They could actually surprise us with an actual archives event in Paris map to tie us into OW2.

But that’s too much hopium.

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Junkenstein > Archives.

Maybe that’s it but it’s been such a long time since we got a new story that I can only remember how lame and repetitive they are now.

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