⭐ Please STOP advertising your twitch

Not really.

End of the day, you’re still putting content out there on a 3rd party site then advertising yourself. You don’t suddenly become an exception to the rules just because it was a Twitch link instead of Youtube or Tumblr.

If people wanted to watch your Twitch stream, then the people on Twitch will find it. Throwing your link on a completely seperate platform does nothing but spam it with junk no one cares about.


I don’t really see anything wrong with them doing it, because that’s kinda the point. They only want people to know their channel exist and gain more views.

But if they constantly do it in one game, go ahead and report them for spamming. Because it is a reportable option.

yeah you should thats how you get followers

I actually check out their twitch if they’re on the enemy team to go back and see what they thought of me. They do the VoD reviewing for you! And then I never visit the channel again…

Oh no people advertising a stream they want to get off the ground how terrible. I’ve personally found some nice small streams from people posting their Twitch.

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I don’t mind it, I found one of my favourite streamers through ingame advertising. If the person was funny throughout the game or carried one of the teams I usually check them out. If you don’t want to… just ignore it?

1- why does it matter?

2- I kind of care.

I rarely stop playing to go watch instead, but I often like go rewatch their VoD when there’s a game with me in it.

Win or lose, I can see how they reacted to me- and what they did in response to my play, if they really had to do anything at all.

It can be a fun or watch learning tool to see where you can improve and get pretty darn unbiased feedback of yourself


I report all twitch advertisements as spam.


I report them for spam and block them.

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no way. I love it when someone on the other team does this. and then i farm them and I get to watch them get salty after the match.

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Your just mad because when you lose you know your gameplay is on the internet.

Thanks for the advice kid.
I’ll advertise whatever i want.


no :unamused: u watch me, I stop :upside_down_face:

Oh look, another germ that thinks they can speak for everyone. :clown_face:

Who still streams Overwatch these days? I think everyone I use to watch has moved on to other games, including the biggest one, Seagull

Yeah it kind of gets old just like back in the day when I would always hear “BUY MY MIXTAPE” lolz.

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Begging is actually an extremely accurate word. It would be the exact same if someone made a forum topic promoting their stream and then bumped it for every game they played.

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Seriously come to my twitch to see more about this. :stuck_out_tongue: