Please revert this doom nerf

This ult change, isn’t helpful. It’s a flat out nerf to a hero that didn’t it. It’s just garbage. And the fact you guys tried to disguise it as a buff, is clinically insane.

This 75 hp / s:

  1. Didn’t warrant a 16% ult charge nerf, idk how in the blue hell you came to that conclusion
  2. It doesn’t make meteor strike any better.

All of the issues that made meteor strike the worst ult in the game? Guess what. They all still exist. Him healing in the air, is literally just a detriment.

  • Enemies get more time to react and prepare for you, and more time to get cooldowns back
  • Teammates are now without a tank for longer.

So it’s either you stay in the air and drop down quickly so those 2 things I just listed don’t happen, and you barely heal at all.

Or you wait to heal, and those 2 things I just listed, happen. It’s a lose - lose because either way, meteor strike isn’t doing jack all.

It’s garbage. It’s a garbage change, no forethought or any ounce of understanding of the character was put forth when thinking of changes for this hero.

One of the VERY few good things, about meteor strike. Was that doom could get it fast, and arguably he should be getting it even faster. It’s THAT bad. It should be time that there is another ult in this game that charges as fast as pulse bomb does. What better candidate than the ult, that straight up has no use other than being an escape tool? I mean seriously, you can’t buff the damage, it’ll be broken because he’s not even on the map while using it. You can’t buff his drop down speed because people will say it’s unavoidable.

So why not make it charge fast? You can genuinely take the 75 hp / s back. I promise you, no one will miss it.


i’ve found it useful in overtime situations

maybe the cost should be reverted

that’s it


yeah sometimes i think dev team needs to make a change and NOT make a super drastic change to compensate. 16% ult cost increase to what is essentially the single worst ult in the game just so doom dont have to hit a health pack is kinda a$$. 5% would’ve been good enough tbh.


conspiracy theory me says this was never intended to be a buff. theyve been consistently trying to slow him down and make him more killable. Rp CD nerf, bringing in more CC like Cas nade, this ult charge crap and even now mauga’s ult.

they arent trying to buff doom despite his coin flip winrate. theyre not trying to do any trades. if you indicate that ur willing to lose x for y theyll just nerf x and leave you dry.

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Just remove the healing over time on it and make it a burst heal upon activation, like 150-200 maybe? Numbers might need tweaking, I don’t play much Doom so I don’t know what would be good or balanced, but if the goal was “have players be at good health in order to incentivize offensive Meteor Strikes”, doing it instantly would probably do the job better given the nature of the ability.


This attitude is lowkey why they have Doom players muted. :skull:

If I was a developer who barely played my game and I came across this, I would ignore you too. :joy:


I was expecting a revert to the stun punch nerf and not this dumb change that doesn’t do anything to make Meteor Strike more offensive but make it even more defensive than ever

Meteor actually needs a slight cost reduction because of how mediocre its immediate impact is. Think high frequency, low immediate impact but feeding more power back into Doomfist’s neutral game to keep cycling.

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It still won’t make the ult better.

That’s the thing. His health while in ult and while dropping isn’t what makes meteor strike garbage.

You can use all the emojis you want. Meteor strike is objectively the worst ult in the game and HAS been. You trying to insult me doesn’t change that and you provided no reason for me to believe otherwise. Clown.

The ult change is garbage and doesn’t make meteor strike better.

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Doom has been one of the best tanks in the game for months now. He absolutely needed a nerf. He actually needs more nerfs.

Imagine having one of the best tanks in the game for multiple seasons and still complaing.


Midway, I see you are still going on with your delusion campaign. I see it’s going well.

I promise you, you’re the last person I’m going to have a discussion about doom with, I’ve learned my lesson. Anything related to doom, you just kinda turn your brain off and say a bunch of nonsense.

why do you hate this character so much, its just a personal grudge at this point :skull:


Dude has been empowered punch one too many times it seems.

He’s been the second most played tank in the game for multiple seasons. Why do you think that is?

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He isn’t.

Are people required to take a course in gaslighting before they become doom OTPs?

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I could say the same to you when it came to lying about this hero and acting like he’s god amongst men in this game.

You know we can all see leaderboards, right? He’s been the second most played tank for multiple seasons. How sad is it that doom mains have one of the best tanks in the game and still try to whine.

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I guess, though it’d stick close with what the existing change is. A few seconds of CC immunity on impact would go a long way I imagine (though I don’t know if they’ll ever add that), but I’m iffy on buffing the damage. Meteor Strike IMO feels like one of those ults that depending on whether it’s buffed or nerfed is either a guaranteed pick on a low-mobility squishy, or better used as an escape because it feels like it heals the enemy more than anything.

I mean, I personally feel like it’s a buff still overall. I do enjoy being able to heal while in the air. But for sure I do think they need to revert the ult charge nerf. Doom has already been having issues as it is. He didn’t need a nerf to compensate a buff. He just needed a buff period. Either some CC resistance or some sort of survivability buff.

I don’t think he needs extra damage as it’s not him that’s the issue. His damage is fine, it’s Supports being way too overtuned that’s the issue on why it’s so hard to land picks with him.

If there was any form of damage buff, I would probably revert the very unneeded Punch stun duration nerf, as well as potentially increasing the consistency of his punches landing by increasing the hitbox a little bit. Right now, Doom is way too risky sometimes. Missing your punch means you die in some cases and is akin to feeding. It’s pretty bad. No other Tank has to expose themselves so much just to do their job. Orisa and Sigma can stun people from 30+ yards away. Doom has to come into melee range to do the same thing. So it should be a better stun, or at the very least, very consistent, to reward the player for the bad positioning they had to take to get it off.

Genuinely, the only buff I wanted for it? Make it charge fast. You can’t buff the damage, it’ll be broken. You can’t buff the drop down speed, people will say it’s unavoidable.

So if the ult is going to be forced to stay as a mediocre get out of jail free card for an ult? Make it charge as fast as pulse bomb.

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