Please Respond to #reworkmercy

As usual, yes this number is correct. A dissatisfied person is 10x more likely to voice their dissatisfaction than a happy customer is to voice theirs, no matter how happy they are with the service.

True again.


and right now their opinion is “a revert or a rework is not programmed for any hero, except maybe bastion”.
Accept that.


I think it’s more than that.
(“Think” is the keyword here, This is just my own opinion.)

Let’s take a look at the balance triangle, shall we?
Balancing is based on these 3 points:

  1. Playerbase impression.
  2. Developer impression.
  3. Hero stats.

Now let’s see how Mercy 1.0 with mass rez fits in this balance triangle.

  1. Mass rez wasn’t liked by many players.
    We all have seen the threads back then. The majority seemed to dislike it. Mercy’s ult had no counterplay other than dealing with Mercy before she ulted.
  2. The devs thought it promoted bad play, which it did. The hide and rez part of it. This is not how they wanted to see her played.
  3. Mercy wasn’t viable back then. Especially not after Ana’s release. I could be mistaken, but was she not even F-tier once before her rework?

(I kinda miss this ult though.)

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Meh, it could have been balanced to fix the dev’s view and her viability. The playerbase has never liked the idea of Rez, anyway. Well, for the most part. A lot of those same people still hate it.
I’m still not saying that Mass Rez is really what I want. Though they sorta kinda didn’t try to make any changes to it at all before reworking her.

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Time to see what the community think

We’ve already been through this.

That’s because her ult is like her kit, consistent and sustain not quick burst.
Just like Soldier, right now she suffers heavily from the burst meta.
Seeing how she even in this meta has a fairly high pick rate, it’s best to see how she develops.

Well overall I feel I can do more with Valk, but I do agree about the beamjuggling though.

I’ve always been a promoter of 75HPS on main beam, 50-55 on branches.

My general opinion is that Ress overall is a bad idea, but in her current state is fine.

That’s not true, up untill diamond she’s top 2 or 3

Well I see that as minor tweaks, but I could see stuff like that happening if she tends to fall behind in a different meta.

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Child: Buy me this toy
Parent: No
Child: Please?
Parent: No
Child: But I want it!
Parent: Too bad, the answer is no.
Child: Why? Why can’t I have it?!
Parent: Gives reasons
Child: You are ugly and I hate you!
Parent: Still not getting it.
Child: starts throwing toys around the store so other kids are now miserable around them

I am sitting here waiting for the parent to take off their belt.


Subjective doesn’t mean unreasonable. Music is subjective, that doesn’t make Justin Bieber equivalent with Beethoven.

Almost everything in the game is subjective, right down to the old Tracer pose. Saying it’s subjective is a moot point.

It could be subjective and reasonably, garbage.


Then shouldn’t her healing output be at least more than half of what Trans currently has? It’s sustain, but not great sustain. :confused:

All of my yes. I do kind of want her base hps brought up to 55/60, though. :stuck_out_tongue:

She just can’t provide as much utility because of it. And it’s a bit more situational than it really should be.

I’m talking about potential. Not pick rate, win rate, or just healing.

If I’m remembering correctly, her potential was still very low when compared to other supports before the support patch.

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honestly who reads these

I know and never said that. But from a gamebalance standpoint, it should never be leading and the subjective feeling of fun alone isn’t enough to change a hero.

Or the hero would be so unfun that nobody plays it, but that would show in the pickrates.

Mercy is the consistent sustain healer, which she is, the problem right now is that the meta is all around burst damage and then you need burst healing.

Honestly we need more healers like current Mercy instead of all just being focussed on burst healing/saving.

That’s something that could be looked up and I’m sure Blizzard is keeping an eye on that, I would say that 55 wouldn’t hurt her much and should be implemented

That’s why my general opinion is that Ress is bad overall, it puts too many restrictions on the rest of her kit.

My bad, thought you meant pickrates

She was a mustpick in the double sniper meta before goats

They have never went back on their word with reverts ,it’s all been normal buffs and nerfs ,nothing else.

How is any of this NOT a response ? Or is it only a valid response when it goes with what you want ?


The fact that we still need to talk about balance after Mercy has been all over the balance spectrum is just both sides missing the point. Feedback around Valkyrie was similar even when Valkyrie was at its most powerful version, right after the release.

Her design issues are there and will be there regardless of balance. It’s what has caused this division of the community. Those issues, like everything else in the game or in any other art, are subjective, but they are also arguable and reasonable, and that is the basis around the idea of asking for a change that isn’t based on a purely objective value (of which there aren’t many).


… I remember them responding with “No.” several times.


I suppose… I would just personally trade Rez for higher healing output or another some sort of new utility. I know that she’s meant to be able to heal consistently, they even said that she’s supposed to be able to heal more over the course of a match than the other supports. That’s not exactly the case currently, but I’m sure with minor tweaks her potential will be on par with other supports.

I hope that Echo ends up being a sustain healer. It sounds like she’s going to be a support.

I really hope so. The 50HPS nerf is what killed her for me, honestly. I didn’t care nearly as much before.

Agreed. I feel like we would be better off without it. I doubt that’s going to happen, though. :confused:

All good! I might actually be wrong, anyway. It’s hard to accurately calculate potential per rank because Overbuff doesn’t provide any utility stats per rank. As I result, I have to estimate. I’ll link the stats I gathered on damage and healing potential before, if you want to take a look.

I suppose so, though the only “impact” she had was damage boosting said snipers. She still didn’t provide a whole lot other than that, and was used as an off healer because she was pocketing them.
At least, that’s what it looked like to me. I despise pocketing, and rarely did it back then.

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I pray I am the metaphorical parent and not the child in this story…or I’d be ok with being the toy…but not the belt

I’m sorry but from “a gameplay standpoint” you think fun shouldn’t be a main factor? Have you ever PLAYED. a game? Or even read the definition of one. They are used for entertainment purposes. I.E. fun. Just look what happened to No Mans Sky? It was not fun. Nobody wanted to play it. And it wasn’t until the community basically quit the game and posted how horrible it was did their developers start to do anything to make it better.
Saying fun is subjective IS true yes. But ignoring the fact it is a GAME where fun is a MAIN centerpiece is outright ignorant. (Not an insult but the textbook definition of ignorant).

Factually, most folks will not have fun in a game like this one if there is not balance, so in my opinion, while fun is absolutely critical to a game, balance ranks a bit higher

Another reason I think balance becomes even more important from Blizzards perspective is the ESports market. There, fun (for players) is of relatively little importance, but balance is absolutely critical

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I made this mention early. Saying “we aren’t reworking anyone” is not a direct answer to “why are Mercy players being ignored”. Do you see the disconnect here? Honestly it frustrates immensely that this is the same argument repeated across the board. “They answered already”. No they did not! They answered a question NO ONE is asking! Seriously? Please read what other people put before reiterating something I, and many others, have already addressed.