Please Respond to #reworkmercy

So they think Mercy is strong and can play her role as support hero better with the addition of Ashe (just like how she has a great synergy with Pharah)? :thinking:

What about this:

They confirmed that she will not get a rework (or a revert in another post).
They want to see how Mercy performs with the latest buffs before deciding if she needs buffs.

Please do tell me.
Is Mercy unbalanced, unviable and broken?

  • Her average healing is on par with other main healers.
  • Her pickrate is higher in lower ranks than in higher ranks. This can (partly) be blamed on the fact that she isn’t meta. But she still has a decent pickrate in high ranks.
  • Her winrate is above 50% in play and higher (just like most heroes).
  • Her kit doesn’t seem broken nor is she affected by bugs like many other heroes.

Does Mercy need changes?
I would say no. I think she is balanced in her current state.

Is (un)fun a valid reason to change an already balanced hero?
Again, I would say no. Fun is subjective.


It is the answer though, Mercy is not getting a rework.

The reason the rest is ignored is because you already have the answer.
You can keep asking the same question after you’ve been given the answer, that doesn’t change the fact that the question has been answered


you know they can’t reply to everything and everyone, right?
Demanding that they make a post addressing every single complaint ever is absurd and reeks of entitlement.
What more do you need?
“We thought mass rez was unhealthy for the game, because it was holding mercy back and incentivized hide’n’rez”.
The devs said hide’n’rez was a thing. Because it was.
It wasn’t the sole thing you’d do, but let’s not kid ourselves that it wasn’t a legit tactic. The devs have far more data than we will ever get, no matter what a select few users say.

Also, despite how noisy these complaints are, remember they are exclusive to a specific subset of fans of a specific hero. Overwatch has 40 millions accounts. Even if half of those are smurfs, the amount of mercy mains truly unhappy with her current state is still a minority.
You need to start accepting that mercy shouldn’t take all the attentions of the devs, she’s been tweaked pretty much every single patch, everytime.
Stop saying she’s ignored just because they don’t do those very specific things you ask for.

Can you also stop blaming seagull for literally everything you don’t like about the game?


outheal lucio? heh it will be prety hard this guy has a constant passive chain healing
yea it is low but man dont cross him in total mayhem it makes the team hard to kill

Pocketing another hero doesn’t change Mercy at all.

It’s the same as above, so I’ll give the same answer:

I followed Blizzcon quite closely. It was frankly as embarrassing as the Diablo mobile stuff albeit on a much smaller scale.

They talked a lot about Mercy’s balance and how “Ashe is almost like a buff to Mercy”. Meanwhile the feedback on Valkyrie is mostly unrelated with balance, I have yet to see someone who likes to play this game as Pharah’s Bob.

And by the way, they have been “happy with Mercy’s state” for 15 changes.

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For starters, her lore

A guardian angel to those who come under her care, Dr. Angela Ziegler is a peerless healer, a brilliant scientist, and a staunch advocate for peace.

Ziegler rose to become the head of surgery at a prominent Swiss hospital before pioneering a breakthrough in the field of applied nanobiology that radically improved the treatment of life-threatening illnesses and injuries. It was this expertise that attracted the attention of Overwatch.

Because her parents had been taken by war, Ziegler was opposed to the organization’s militaristic approach to keeping global peace. Ultimately, she recognized that Overwatch offered her the opportunity to save lives on a much larger scale. As Overwatch’s head of medical research, Angela sought to leverage her work for healing in frontline crises. The result was the Valkyrie swift-response suit, which Ziegler herself piloted on many Overwatch missions.

Despite her contributions to Overwatch, she was often at odds with her superiors and the organization’s overarching aims. When Overwatch dissolved, Ziegler dedicated herself to helping those affected by war.

Though she spends most of her time caring for the broken and dispossessed in crisis areas around the world, Dr. Ziegler can be counted on to don her Valkyrie suit whenever innocents are imperiled.

Secondly, only once the world peace is mentioned, pacifist is nowhere no be found, healer however yes

it is an FPS game though, add whatever you want but pewing is the main focus

You are connecting two different points, she’s not a hippie nor weak, on the contrary she’s willing to fight for what is right, which is very different from standing still hoping science magically undo harm, those who you mention (with the exception of J boy) weren’t weak because they had a voice and they stood up to injustice, the only simile to be made here (again, on an fps game) is to take a gun and fire at the evildoers

keep your mic, I don’t want it


This, they have gone back on their word many times in the past. I don’t see a problem with expecting them to do the same with their previous stance on Mercy. A response would certainly be beneficial. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Torbjorn, who is the only other character with weapon swap, also has a delay between weapons, does that mean that he’s not offense oriented? it seems to me like this is simply a design mechanic meant to stop animation cancelling

However, taking your point as somewhat valid, what character has stuff in their kit for the player not to use? but sure, let’s give Mercy a gun so that people could twist her lore to their wishes? the gun is there for you to use when the benefits are greater than the harm, for self defense sure but also for when your position (Mercy can pretty much design her position at will) and dmg (which is nothing to laugh about, 100 dps) will allow you to save your allies

You may choose to play the pacifist in game but you can be incredibly sure that someone else who’s playing the battle medic will kill you repeatedly and Mercy won’t suddenly start crying

It’s not really that difficult.

New tournament rule:

  • No triple healers.


I kinda see your point, but some people are not willing to give up mercy that easily because they’ve been with her since day one

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I don’t think it will end even then. It’s gone on for so long that the divide has grown deep, and if she is changed the stance of the posts is all that is going to change.

At this point no matter what they do with Mercy people will hate it.


She could use some buffs. 50 hp/s causes problems for her. You find less opportunities to utilise damage boost because you are spending all your time healing now. They only need to tweak numbers around to make a majority of people happy. Healing back to 60hp/s Valk single beam heals 75, chain beams half that. Maybe even experiment with shorter cast times for res in valk. They don’t need to do a full rework imho.

I’m relatively new to Overwatch, and I wasn’t here when she could rez the whole team, but it already feels annoying when you just killed someone and when you turn she rezed the person you eliminated, I can’t even imagine this but x5 times worse plus invulnerability both to the people she rezed and to her. I’m not saying they should remove her current rez ability and there’s no need to, given that it is completely balanced. However, I do agree that a 5 men rez was probably very frustrating.

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That’s literally why she was reworked in the first place, though.


It has been established within the marketing community that a person is something on the order of ten times as likely to voice displeasure with something than they are to voice satisfaciton or happiness

Said another way - there are plenty of folks who are happy with Mercy’s current state and are not talking on the forums because they are happily playing the character in the game rather than running to the forums to complain about it


I ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW WHAT THIS DID. I only saw it as a bulletpoint on some art. What was it?

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Ofcourse and we ignore the fact that it promoted a poor playstyle and counters the idea of a healer in general…

Check the devupdate


And we’re also apparently going to ignore all of the issues with her kit currently.

What issues?
That people find it unfun, unimpactfull and unengaging?
Those are subjective feelings, not something that should be balanced around


Her ultimate is a complete disaster for one. They tried to make it so that it would improve too many aspects of her kit, which resulted in a watered down ultimate. It doesn’t provide as much overall or immediate impact as similar ultimates.
(Trans - up to 9,000 over 6 seconds
Supercharger - 50% dmg boostober 15 seconds
Valkyrie - up to 4,500 healing or 30% dmg boost over 15 seconds)

Valkyrie also removes all of the skill that Mercy requires outside of her ultimate. She doesn’t have to prioritize her beams, and it’s much easier to position. Often times she can just sort of float over her team. So while it lacks impact due to what the devs were trying to achieve, it also feels gross to use.

Resurrect is also way too strong of an ability, which is a huge part of why they needed to reduce the impact of her ultimate. However, Mercy already doesn’t provide nearly as much utility or damage as most of the supports.

I’ve covered potential multiple times in the past. Mercy is consistently at the bottom across all ranks. Her damage boost does not make up the difference, and with the added utility of other supports, her Resurrect doesn’t make up the difference either. Moira and Zenyatta do provide less utility, but they’re always much higher than the other supports due to pure damage and healing output.

I’m not saying that Mercy needs to completely reworked. I simply think that they need to make a few major tweaks to her current kit, such as reducing its duration and increasing its healing output.

I would definitely like to see her reworked, though. I don’t want Mass Rez back, either. I agree that it was unhealthy for the game.

I could actually link you my ridiculous essay on her current state which contains plenty of supporting data. I doubt anyone would want to look through that, though. :wink:

Some of them are. A lot of them actually have data to back them up.