Please Respond to #reworkmercy

here you go
ult impact new healers and next rework being bastion.

but cant find the original one.

This has been a rallying cry for about a year now. And it has been responded to. On multiple occasions. Linked to
 multiple times. Just because you made it a hashtag doesn’t mean it something new. You found a dog terd and put some glitter paint on it.


They have responded. They are not planning a rework, even if it would do one it would be Bastion, and they like her how she is now.

In who’s eyes? I like Valk way more than before the rework, so it’s not a failure.

Just because the answer isn’t what people want to hear and they ignore, doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been answered or responded to.

Geoff Goodman 11-05-2018 “We don’t have any plans to rework anybody right now”, there’s your answer


See the thats the problem. “We will harass everyone until we get the answer we want. If someone gives us an answer that is not to our liking, we will simply ignore it and act like we never received it.” Its the worst mindset and it plagues the mercy main community.


but in short when they will make new character they will see the kit as a whole and the ult being just a small bonus , just another part of the kit.
a bit like actual mercy.
so yea smell bad for you who want impactful ults.

I agree with you Hige.
And there is also the fact that a lot of things happening in-game are not always canon either. And like you said, since it is an fps, they won’t make a character that can’t deal damage in a game like this.
Also, why would we be able to play as Mei at all during matches if everything had to be canon? A cheerful and optimistic climatologist like Mei shouldn’t be running around shooting icicle at people following the “pacifist Mercy logic”. Blizzard gave Mei the ability to do so, but maybe you should only put walls around to protect your team, or freeze enemies and let your teammates kill them, because killing them with an icicle to the head is a bit too violent for an environmentalist like Mei, who’s only trying to protect the planet. And since she is supposed to go try and save the environment, why is she using her Endothermic Blaster to go after people trying to freeze them to death, while her own friends actually died due to cryostasis pod that malfunctioned . Like I said, abilities and even some voice lines that we see in-game are not always canon.

Same goes with skins, like Mercy’s Devil skin that changes her personality to something a bit darker (Heroes never die
 for a price - wow there, Mercy wouldn’t ask someone in need of aid for something in exchange of her help!); does it mean Blizzard shouldn’t make skins like this, because it doesn’t fit a character’s personality in the lore? I don’t think so personally, and I think most people enjoy these non-canon skins. There is a distinction to be made between the lore and how characters work in-game, especially when it comes to shooters.


and we are starting to see tons of those, ana just giving a big burst heal
graviton just pull target
tracer bomb doing a max of 2kills
doom ult has been reduced
junkrat tire has been slowed down quite a lots.
torb and hamond having just an area denial
bob is a easy to counter ult too
sym has just a wall as ult.
lucio and zen just give 10s invinsibility but that is the strongest support ult.
mercy having just a chain healing isnt far off.

I like how everyone glosses over the fact I said THAT IS NOT AN ANSWER. Not I don’t like the answer no. That is straight up not an answer and is avoiding what we are asking for. We are asking to know WHY are threads are being ignored and to open up more communication.
If they said we aren’t reworking MERCY right now because (anything other than because we like her we’re she is) then I’d be happy. At least they DIRECTLY responded.
If your girlfriend asks you if you cheated on her and you answer with “I was home all day” that’s not really answering the question. It’s giving an informative answer to something else completely.

Not all heroes have game changing ultimates, mccree, symm, ana, doomfist, orisa, widowmaker, those all have the same value as a mercy valkyrie, I don’t see how mercy should be any better than these heroes considering the skill required to play her. Mercy can never be as good as nano blading genji if that’s what you mean by impactful.


that is how life is, politicians ,co workers ,boss, company
this is how they all answers.
it is a adult thing.

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  • They are not planning reworks, if they did it would be Bastion.

  • They’ve been playing around with prototypes of ults that are weaker but charge faster

So you must have misinterpreted a bit there mate.

They can make valk as weak as they wish, just design it right.

The interview with reinforce talks a lot about balance, it’s hardly relevant for the topic at hand. Mercy has been all over the balance spectrum, it has nothing to do with the issue.

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No. It’s a cop out. Sorry but I’m a firm believer in honesty and communication. And to fight for what you believe is right. No adult would ever tell a child “no don’t try and fight for what you believe in. Just let life run you over”

This coming from an adult who wants to see us humans move forward and not backwards

heh look the begining of zootopia when they said you cant follow your dreams all the time
the end of the movie say you can try but deal with it

me im just saying to let it go :stuck_out_tongue:

If my girlfriend asked “why I cheated” and I responded “I was at home all day” because I hadn’t cheated, then that’s an acceptable answer. If she cant accept that then I’ll get a new girlfriend who isnt emotionally unstable. However, that has nothing to do with the topic at hand. So you just admitted that you understand the answer was given to you. They said “we like where she is right now”. Which is true. This is proof that you want them to change her. And the claim of “open dialogue” is a farse. You dont want an open dialogue. You want them to do what you want them to. And much like the boyfriend who got tired of listening to his girlfriend claim they cheated, blizzard has likewise dumped the idea of trying to communicate to a community that clearly has no interest in it outside of being in a conversation that they are able to manipulate.


Okay Elsa. You do what you want to.
But if the French have taught us anything these last few weeks is that perseverance and willing to stand up for your beliefs will go far. And that NOT listening will cost them.

I’m in for the long run.:+1:

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hooo yea the french.curently in france and i can tell you it failed everyone is now preparing christmass like nothing had hapened.
politician asked just peace for the holidays and maybe 6month but new votes are coming in 6month so they no more care in the end

tout est dans ta tĂȘte

Yeah except in this situation (the hundreds of thousands of posts on how bad Mercy is) is the girlfriend having a hidden camera and caught you cheating. You saying I was home does not release you from actively avoiding the fact you did wrong. That’s not emotional instability. It’s just not willing to take a lie from a dishonest boyfriend.

They said that she was fine A MONTH AFTER HER REWORK. And yet after all the post they have said nothing in direct correlation with this. Even the “we aren’t planning reworks” is still not an answer. How is that so hard to understand?

The hundred of thousands made by mostly the same people. You do know that the forums make less than 1 percent of the total community right?

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you think that but someone making 80 post still puts no dent in how many people are unhappy. And to be fair MANY mercy’s went to forums to try and be heard. Joined JUST to have a voice. And that one percent is nothing compared to other forum posts outside Blizzard and YouTube videos and every other outlet people have gone to just to get an answer out of the devs.