Please Remove Role Queue

Please remove role queue. It’s ruining the game. The game experience has gone down and the wait times have gone up. Sincerely, not a dps main.


Please keep role queue. It’s improving the game. The game experience has gone up and the frustration has gone down. Sincerely, not a tank main.


Please check out the latest PTR patch, with the new “While you wait” skirmish options, you can have more fun while waiting for your next official match. Also the latest balance changes really make the game come alive and it feels great to play any of the three roles.


Don’t listen to op. Coming from a dps main in masters where the que is a good 30 minutes sometimes, I like it because it weeds out some of the throwers and non-competitive players. Overall I feel like it is a better experience.


I have no opinions on role queue, but has it really done that?

For me it 100% has. I always used lfg since the moment it came out, and now I don’t even need it. I can just queue and know everyone has to play their role.


Absolutely not. In many cases, it’s worse. The amount of times I’ve wasted 10+ mins queueing only to have one of the supports leave in 1 minute is pretty aggravating.

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not if your greatest fear in this game is snipers and tankbusters =)

What about how the majority feels on this question ?


My greatest fear is realtors…

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keep roleq but dont expect me to play tank lol.

Then don’t play tank.


Role queue is the best thing added to this game.


It has for me as well.

Having my Tanks and Supports bring people who have queued up to be tanks / supports rather than whoever can be bullyed into playing those positions is a big step up.

The games feel more consistent, so they feel like my own skill has a bigger impact rather than it being random and out of my hands.

While this does help out in how boring things feel waiting it still is waiting no matter how you slice it.

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Role Queue is the worst thing added to this game.


Yep, and I think they will continue to vet out ways to expedite matches hopefully without compromising matchmaking integrity. However, the new patch feels really damn good overall both in terms of staying occupied while waiting for a new match and well just the balance of the game overall. The balance changes make tank and supports a lot more interesting and I think some players will gravitate to those roles again and perform well on them.

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Well, I for one love being in a custom game practicing my aim before I drop into a real game.

It is very much a better way to wait.

I am excited about the new patch. Being a main tank I don’t really have queue times but the quality in a match looks like it will go up considerably.

I don’t know if there will ever be a good answer to the long queue times since if you widen the sr threshold quality goes down while time goes down but if you increase quality time goes up.

Maybe OW 2 will attract a new playerbase that causes time to go down.

I usually jump around depending on what is needed at the time. However, if all you need is heals and tanks it ruins the game and makes me want to play one game as a dps. I hate role queue because I can’t shift to what is needed. Instead I play quick play where I’m always a healer or tank cause all of the dps mains that don’t want to wait are playing dps in quick play. Might as well call is 6v6 dps fight.

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