Please Remove Flashpoint

I’m starting to have a bad habit of just leaving whenever it pops up. This mode isn’t fun at all.

Clash is the perfect replacement though. Feels like 2CP but better.


Actually, Flashpoint, KOTH, 2CP, Clash and 2CP should all stay as they fit 5v5 the most.

Objectively and tactically speaking, it’s Escort, Push and Hybrid that don’t really click with 5v5 :man_shrugging:

What the OW team should do is create two different setups : 5v5 and 6v6, with their own specific game modes.

5v5 : KOTH, Clash, 2CP, Flashpoint and Clash.

6v6 : Escort, Hybrid, Push + two new game modes (maybe a more tactical version of Capture the flag or something).