Please reduce/remove non ult voicelines

Yeah I know what you mean, I still consider most of those interactions since Ana will say something to her targets when she sleeps or nades them, Tracer will say something to her target when she sticks them with PB, Sombra says snarky things when she hacks you or de-cloaks. All of that, all of the random babbling, I just want all that turned off.

Well that may so be, but I also find it strange that they’re good enough to engineer out their own engine, but can’t figure out how to categorise voice lines and separately apply a global flag of mute to one category but not the next?

I don’t think it’s down to technical limitations, it’s just down to care. When they couldn’t be bothered to fix the MM system since the game was released, they won’t do this either. Unfortunately. So it’s just following the standard procedures of starting a match by squelching chat for 11 players, just to be on the safe side.


The way the heroes talk to each other is one of the things that made me first fall in love with Overwatch. And you can see how other games copied it. No reduction please!

If anything just add some kind of option in the options to reduce it, but leave them as they are for everyone else!

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I’m not talking about interactions I’m talking about Junkerqueen’s NOIFE
she spams a voiceline every time she uses the ability.

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I enjoy hero interactions.
I appreaciate ult announce.
I actally dont mind player ‘hello’ spam unless it is extreme and think voice commands are hella useful.

But I got voicelines disabled cause I cant stand the endless scripted voicelines of the heroes constantly annoucing themselves (almost) everytime you press a button, your teammate presses a button, the other team presses a button or anything happening anywhere in the map. The heroes NEVER shut up, like being stuck in a room with 11 other people all talking at the same time.

Widow’s Ult has no sound effect, so that catches me out at times. Tracer’s giggle when she runs out of blinks is quite useful, Sombra’s says something when she unstealthing I think. Every other ability/event has clear sound effect and visual effect and doesnt need additional voice announce to be picked up.

Also no more bodily sounds, drooling, slurping, licking, squeeling, smacking, ect, in victory poses/POTG intro please. Sometimes I wonder if the devs are hearing impaired.

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