Please read this

I cannot remember how many times i was call “Taco, Narigertino, Spañololol, mexican (not even from mexico)” best you can do is just mute and move on this is the internet.

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Hitting 'em with that “no u”
big brain reply

I enjoy the salt that oozes from every word you type

but also


You win bucko! I bow down to your mastery forum skills! You #1. You king of Overwatch! I love you!

People drop the f word all the time despite me being gay I don’t really care. Their is no harm behind it. Heck someone threatened to cut of my man part for being gay. I can’t stop people from being this way either ignore and move on or stand up and fight those are the two options. In her case I’d say she should have stood up and fought.

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You will fight the internet?..good luck i guess.

That is what they want, it will leave them happy (and possibly aroused) while leaving her more stressed.

In her case since it was more on the mild end. Yeah I’d say so. If it got worst then what happened to her I’d say move on. She was against a couple of idiots. But they seemed relatively harmless and easy to manage. Idk it just depends.

I disagree. But whatever. She chose to publicly shame them on the internet and go against forums rules.

Why are your parents letting you play Overwatch at 14?

I agree. 100% against the forum rules and she should be spanked, I mean punished!

If you do insist on playing Comp, do what MissCanadia_OW does - she mutes the team and blocks chat even before the match starts.

Then she plays as she sees fit (usually one-tricks Mercy) with no hassles.

She’s in High Diamond and has no problem staying there.

I watched the vid and I don’t see any harassment, just a guy trolling and you being super itchy about it for no reason. You could just troll him back (without degrading him) or ignore if you’re not in the mood. Don’t take ppl much seriously, could be an underage at the other end too

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I’m gonna keep saying it, if comp was gated off to people that can’t maintain a certain endorsement level people would quickly start growing up. Nothings worse that a game telling you “hey you’re kind of a jerk, maybe you don’t need to playing right now”.

Threes no video of what was happening before this moment which is … odd. IT seems like you guys might have been bickering all game and they made a stupid comment when it was over… judging by your tone of voice and immediate retaliation.

I don’t know if you’re overreacting or manipulating the situation but… you are equally… or even more hostile … right away. I have a hard time believing you played a whole match with 0 bickering and then randomly got thrown an insult…

I’m a girl too. I’ve played with other girls who are toxic. Talking and whining nonstop over voice… blaming everyone and just overall making the whole atmosphere really unpleasant for everyone in the game.

If you’re not doing that then you don’t need to bite the bait like this. For your own sake, really, if you dread these interactions it’s easy to see them coming and you can take steps to avoid it.

I’ve played since release and the number of times I was “harassed” solely because of my gender is… one. “A girl on our team. gg we lose. Why are you playing games? Can’t carry the boosted” And I thought “Ohh! I finally found one of these” and thought how silly it was that someone like that truly exists. If it made me feel uncomfortable in any way I would mute/report.

These people don’t know you. Why does what they’re saying hurt you? Maybe I’m ignorant or just plain insensitive but I don’t understand.

What is there for anyone on either team to “stop”? They probably rolled their eyes at it like I did because it’s such a dumb little thing to say… It doesn’t need a response.

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This is a problem with society, not a problem with overwatch. I’m sorry you have to deal with that. If I was in a game with you I would have your back. Reporting does work but they need to receive multiple reports to be banned, so always ask people to report in match chat.

You also might want to consider the time of day you’re playing. Generally, I find morning players to be more mature. Late night you can get a lot of drunk people or fat no lifers that hate everything about their life and play overwatch comp just to make other people’s lives miserable. These people feel that if they aren’t loved, then no one deserves love, and they funnel their hatred for themselves onto the people around them.

Generally, how people treat others is a reflection of how they feel about themselves. It’s pretty sad actually.

I’m sorry to hear that. I hope your OW experiences will be better.

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Honestly I hope this is a case of the devs actually go on the forums and read then look into it.

Unfortunately I don’t think the title inspires them to do so as they ask for players not to call them out specifically

Not much can be done, BLizzard can ban them at best, but then they will just sell the same people another copy, because money.

Hate to be so direct. I hope i dont sound like im not sympathetic to your situation. You have to learn to ignore them and concider the source. Block them and move on. Its not just overwatch you gonna find these people in all walks of life. The only answer is to ignore them.