Please read this

I have now began to dread playing Competitive by myself. I’m a female. And I get a lot of garbage for it, and the people who say such awful things are never punished.

I’ve been playing Overwatch since I was 12. Even then, in Competitive, I was getting men to sexually harass me. Ask if I had an @$$, that I should perform sexual favors for them, that I was a !@#$, or that I sound young and they can “do” young ones, all of the sort.

And even so, none of them have had any consequences.

[Deleted Video] happened today when I was playing competitive. Take note that no one stood up for me both of the games. They continued- and even when I defend myself, it doesn’t stop. When I don’t defend myself, it doesn’t stop.

You can say this is nothing, that it is a meaningless joke. But why did no one stop it? These players will not have any consequence.

Thank you for listening.

Edit: if you’re going to tell me to just block, report, and move on- I am sorry but I cannot do that any longer. I am sorry.

Edit 2: Some of you are saying I didn’t fight back- I did in this case. In others, staying silent has only made them persist. I’m not looking for sympathy. I want people to at least acknowledge that this happens, and if they witness it, please try to stop it.

I have changed the thread title, as it appears to violate the rules. Thank you.

Edit 3: I have removed the link with my evidence, and I will now wait for this thread to be locked. Thank you.


The internet sucks, you just have to report mute and play.
My best advice is to play with friends, people you know are cool and will be respectful.

When you say this:

Don’t engage it, don’t reason with it, don’t talk to it. Just mute it.
Use the tools Blizzard has given you to help your gaming experience.


Yea that’s gross but there isn’t much you can do i do agree sexual harassment in chat should be a bannable offense but for whats shown in the video to just ignore it, i have experiences like that because i have a feminine voice for a guy and well i get called slurs etc. sometimes, but there’s not much i can do except to report and mute. this more has to do with internet culture as a whole then overwatch not saying absolutely everyone is like this because we play games but being anonymous online makes us braver than in person and it will always be here in some form. As long as they aren’t being absolutely horrid i wouldn’t get to peeved and let it get to you. Just stay strong and mop the floor with them lol, i do think the report system needs some work though.

Welcome to online gaming. I’ve had drastically worse things casually thrown around at me from a much younger age, get used to it or get out. Blizzard can’t and won’t police the internet cause you can’t mute and move on with your life.


Girl here, this is new for me to see this… Never had something like this… But if i did, block mute and delete and enjoy my fun…

This is not something Blizzard can change or fix… u cant change stupidity sadly…


Press -> P Click Mute.

They want you to talk to them. Just don’t if it start going bad


Step 1) Mute
Step 2) Block Chat
Step 3) Report
Step 4) Not post accusation post on forums because its against rules.
Step 5) Its Internet. It says on box ‘Online Interaction not rated’


I’m really sorry you’ve met inconsiderate jerks online. Really, I am. I’ve played many games with girls in chat, and I’ve never heard anything sexist. My experience is entirely anecdotal, but I’ve played since launch.

Mute and block those people immediately. There’s no place for it, and you have the power to silence them forever. I hope it doesn’t happen to you anymore.

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Don’t answer to them and report them for offensive chat.

If they continue to insulting even during match, report them for sabotage gameplay too.

Then mute them.

Remember to report them as soon you see this behaviour, but don’t say anything about the reports or they will do fake reports on you.

thank you for listening.

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Sorry you had to face this.

Block, Mute, Report, move on.

NEVER respond to whatever they say. Your best defense is ignoring them. Begging for better humanity will never work because most of these jerks dont have any.

Mute them in voice & text and report them.

Get a voice changer, probably the best way to do it.

Welcome to the internet. Be glad you weren’t around the times of MW2/COD 1 online lobbies. A simple mute and report should do the trick. Ask everyone else in the game to do so as well, works usually

I mean… i last season i was plaing without telling one word to my teammates, so you dont need to speak if it making your gameplay worse than it should be.
At least thats my opinion, no im not a girl, im just bad at english and people make fun of it to sometimes. So i just listen to them, and dont talk.

gif of the tomato from Veggietales looking forward, and then looking down in thought


Sorry to hear that, really I am. If thiers a way to rectify this that’s not just muting or not talking I’m not sure about since plausibly we cant ban literally everyone who does this.

My best suggestion would be to find at least one friend to duo with. Better yet, get involved in your school to see if anyone enjoys Overwatch like you do/find an online community to join that plays frequently and has nice people.

I’m not a girl, but I can personally attest to the latter and made life long friends from it. As you get older you develop thicker skin (not saying that it should be allowed but still).

Don’t join team voice chat, use group voice chat or discord etc. instead and disable text chat, problem solved. If ya don’t want to do that then yeah there’s not much else that can be done. There are a ton of toxic people in online video games, no matter what game there always will be there’s no way to get rid of them

You’re not alone, I’m sorry you had that experience.

If you want to group up, you can add me at bananafish80#1304

I know positive people who don’t do that sort of thing and will stand up for you if it does happen. Gotta play in groups to fight the vitriol sometimes (unfortunately)

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I’ve seen it, heard it. I made a recent post with a friend of mine whom I am still not convinced Blizzard did anything with the reports. I don’t know, based on my pattern of not reporting for over two weeks without seeing the “we took action on a recent report” message tends to make me think nothing is going to get done unless the automated system bans and I don’t think enough reports are done in this case to trigger it and Blizzard knows nothing until said person is banned and they appeal and someone sees the logs.
I do believe there needs to be better “policing” of the chat. I am not convinced the endorsement system fixes salty chat or the example you provide here.
My friend an I were playing and she was consistently harassed in both voice and typed chat during a game, but it was a comp game, so what is her option now? Sure just block them, avoid them or just leave and essentially get a suspension over the toxic flow of harassment that comes through this game.
My opinion, not enough is done, and enforcement doesn’t happen from Blizzard until the automated system bans someone and that person has the nerve to contest it. If someone wants to joke, ok joke, but if you are told it is not being acceptable for whatever reason then these “children” need to stop it. These type of “jokes” are not for everyone, and not for every game.
I am sorry this happened to you too, it is a shame.

Edit: I will add, that if (assuming I never had) saw you in a group or on the opposing team of any match and saw that happen to anyone, I will go above and beyond reporting…I don’t sit quietly to people who do not want this type of conversation put on them, and yes, I am sure if my friend saw this, she would back me up and probably be worried I will get my account suspended for sticking up…I have zero tolerance for it when it is not welcomed.

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