Yeah, but my winrate on those “smurf” accounts are all below 60%. I’m certainly not gatekeeping anyone from climbing like you’re implying. Just making excuses as to why you can’t climb yourself.
actibli$$ will never ever do anything about it, they make money and that’s all they care about, same with gold/service spammers in wow.
I didn’t want to get into the other arguments you were having with people but you’re suggesting reportable (and actionable) gameplay sabotage. ‘Roll over’ isn’t a good solution when the game doesn’t have an active surrender option.
IDK about that. I play a bunch and know a lot, but am not perfect/don’t really try to climb in ranked. Also there are like 3 new players who are naturally gifted at aiming who will get rewarded heavily by just clicking heads.
Are those still rampant? I’ve not played WoW in a while but always found gold spammers and bots interesting (like the psychology of it). Granted, they didn’t queue for instances (and usually not PVP).
Haven’t played in a few months but yeah, it’s getting worse every expansion to the point where i only have guild and party chats enabled at all times.
I must seriously be the luckiest person on the planet…as I can maybe think of… 5 times since launch that I’ve thought “this person is clearly way above this rank and playing on an alt account”
And yet to do that you had to ruin some games and make someone lose SR unreasonable…
I should have bookmarked it, but a GM content creator proved with strong evidence that most ‘smurfs’ in your game are 200+SR than their main rank. Which is not a big difference at all except in sliver and GM.
That GM smurf ruining your game is a myth, which makes sense because GMs are a very, very low percentage of the population, and are very rare. Even diamonds are very uncommon, with the percentage of those diamonds being smurfs being even lower of course.
take what I say with a grain of salt since I never provided the video. I now have a bookmark folder named ‘receipts’ for this exact reason. I recommend for everyone to make one if they plan on arguing on the internet lol.
I believe you considering like I mentioned I can count on 1 hand the amount of times I’ve felt like anyone in my game was actually significantly better than everyone else. But, I’ve also been in Masters/GM any time I’ve grinded the game so it’s kinda hard to be significantly better than everyone unless you’re a beast High GM/Top 500 player smurf
I’m afraid you are reading into more than what I typed – I am not looking to climb out of anything. I stopped playing comp several years ago when things start to turn very toxic.
You say you win rate is below 60% but you supply no actual data.
Ya that about sums up the intelligence level of those who cry about smurfs all day instead of actually trying to climb.
Why would you quote this post, its literally delusional lol
They were a masters content creator and their definition of smurf was flawed. Basically they collected information on new accounts and the effects that has on your winrate. They showed that if you have more new accounts on your team then the enemy team, from gold to bronze this will effect your win rate negatively, However once you get to around diamond having more new accounts on your team then the enemy team will increase your winrate. The problem is new accounts are not a good way to measure smurfs.
Tried enough, nothing changed got the message. Don’t try.
But is always up to us low ranks to improve while the people smufing ‘‘try a new hero’’ vs lower ranks instead of ‘‘becoming better’’ with said hero in their main rank…
sr are too precious I guess
Bro I see you replying in many smurf related threads, if you spent this time focusing on improving you would climb. Don’t fall for the cope threads, take your SR into your own hands, I believe in you!
1- is not that I always have time to play, when I can’t stay in a match due rl stuff to do I come here and read , answer, debate.
2-I don’t play comp since the first week of this season, like every other seasons these guys just demotivate me
3-as you can guess from my point 2 I stick only to qp where I’m free to leave when is a obvious loss
Sounds to me like you’re a really competitive guy who likes to learn from his loses and move forward!
trolling even here? XD
Surely your trolling skills are sorely needed in another thread?