Please, please, please devs could we get a mercy subforum?

That’d only provide the devs with an easier way to ignore our discussions

I really dislike the idea many people have that just because they changed their mind once that every single idea can always be changed if you just pester them a lot

God, you should see the forum mercys in my other thread. I present a point and they respond with either (a) hostile condescendion; (b) personal attacks; (c.) off-topic replies accusing me of being a secret mercy main. At first I tried to engage in an open conversation with them (first mistake), but then when they started taking my words out of context, not reading my comments before replying (or even reading the original post for that matter), and just repeatedly defending the position that Mercy with mass rez was a harder ult than Valk, I just stopped engaging – they have to be trolling.

Here’s the thread in case you want to see forum mercys in action:

And I’m tired of people singling them out in posts like this when you’re pulling the exact same crap. Meanwhile the forum was flooded with Brig threads but nobody says a single peep because it doesn’t fit their agenda of “$@&# Mercy Players.”

You’re pretty obviously not looking for a proper discussion anyway.


Keyword is was flooded

and more people would agree Brig is a problem then Mercy needs a rework so let’s people complain

Also also the Brig threads have died down but there’s still 3+ mercy threads every 24 hours

But no it’s just because we hate those darn people who play one hero

Tbf it’s not like opposing opinions aren’t mostly just either trolls or dismissed entirely

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Already addressed this in the original post. Please read original post before throwing out hostile, baseless accusations.

Do you think the devs are reading every spam mercy thread that goes up once an hour reiterating the same things – “mercy isn’t fun to play anymore” “i don’t feel impactful on mercy anymore” “10 reasons mass rez should return” even though the devs have said outright that mass rez is not returning?

Great. And here I wanted a subforum for Echo.

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No one, since the mercy mains soon realize that it’s basically useless when no one except other mercy mains read them, so they come back to fill the general forums to annoy everyone else.

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This forum is for discussion of anything about Overwatch which is within the boundaries of the code of conduct. It’s not really for discussing forum policy. If the forum team believes Mercy, or any other hero, needs their own subforum or megathread then I’m sure they will arrange for that to be done. There was a wave of Brigitte threads a while back, but I don’t recall seeing similar complaints about those.

Singling out a hero just because there’s a fair number of players who appear unsatisfied with the current state of a hero doesn’t mean they should be effectively be excluded from the main forum. The megathreads for Mercy however didn’t prove effectively useful for Mercy discussion, other than for damage control. It appeared in the end that feedback wasn’t being actively read or remotely considered. The megathreads were just a jumble of various discussions crammed into a single large thread, making it tedious to read and keep up with.

You can however mute threads which you disapprove of seeing, this will hide them from your threads listing.

Please give people who complain about mercy mains sub forum, im tired of them.

It’ll be about as used as our megathreads

Why not just make a sub form for each respective archetype like Tank, Damage and Support?

Leave general as general and add a “suggestions” tab and actively mod and move threads as needed.

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We just need the ability to mute certain words like we can mute players. That way you can mute them without having to go into each thread and click the button.


…yet not available.

This is a forum, you can freely post your opinions about any topic if they are respectful. If you get tired of post or threads you do not like you are free to open or simply ignore them.

You are not forced to participate to read, to analize to debate in one topic you dont feel like you want it. When roadhog hook was nerfed the forum focused on roadhog, when junkrat was buffed or nerfed, half of the posts were about junkrat.

I do not pretend people to write only about the topic I want to read and debate, when I feel like I have nothing to say or I do not have interest in it, I just dont read it. Same as you are not forced to read about it, other people are not forced to talk about the topics you consider interesting.

If mercy mains are more vocal since the rework…then is ok, a lot of people were vocal about mercy when she was overpowered, and also there are Brig and Doomfists threads for your liking.

Are you forced? is mandatory to read them? something you feel obliged to look to?.No?
Scroll down select your favourite topic, debate about it. Thats the way forums work.

You could apply that argument to the mega-thread ,while it was true that they posted outside of it ,it still cleared up the FP by A LOT ,since mercy threads barely lasted ,this would be the same.

They could also actually give punishments for posting outside of it more than once.

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I just answer to it the same way he speak about mercy mains