Please Play The 1-3-2 Card

Tried it… honestly I can’t see why we will ever need this kind of composition, from what I’ve seen, some tanks will be must picks due shield… and as I tought when I dared to pick hog people screamed at me to switch.

You guys who pushed 2-2-2 should love this right? I hope you do.

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The devs also mentioned that they will be closely monitoring how queueing for this mode affects not only queue times for each role, but ALSO how it influences queue times for each role in other game modes, specifically Competitive, Quick play, and especially QPC.

I freaking love 1-3-2. We just need some sort of visible ranking system and I would play NOTHING else.

Played it since it dropped onto the game

Totally horrible experience for playing any support that isn’t Mercy/ Lucio

Reinhardt/ Zarya are the clear best tanks, and the rest are pretty medoicre to hot trash

Widow, Hanzo, Doomfist, Ashe, McCree, and Mei are beyond powerful that it feels like I don’t even have to try anymore when I play them

So it’s fun if you play DPS
Trash if you play any support except 2
Mediocre if you play tanks, with Reinhardt still having a clear advantage over the others

And it’s always about sending a message.

I think not being interested is a form of data that the devs will take into account. that being said, asking for boycotting is wrong. And a little stupid. I love the bold idea of asking for the players for feedback instead of just shoving a completely redesigned game down our throats. It shows respect. I support a team that respects it’s clients.

Just in this thread I see tons of people that don’t care about the game anymore but yet still decide to stay and ruin it w/ their action. I guess this is what emotional children looks like.