I think this is a well made post and should be pinned!
(Click the top link on the quote to go to the full tutorial)
That’s a good idea😁
I would give you a like, but the like limit is really getting on my nerves🔥
I’ll give you one
Thank you very much😂
Makes you wonder why these commands weren’t already available in the Tool box (ie like Bold, Quote, Italics & Emoji)
Feels like this forum is still quite incomplete and probably will be for a while
Most likely they only wanted “non spammy” marks
I can only think of 2 individuals that would nonsensically fill their posts with these commands and spam it whenver they can (and it would look very irritating to look at)
But some of these commands would have been as useful as the ones that are currently visible, like Superscript, Strikethrough, big and small
They probably didn’t want to take too much space in the toolbox giving it a “cleaner” look. Adding too many buttons could make it too crowded.
They can just put it into the Options tab (Gear Icon). Currently right now it only contains one thing so it’s kinda pointless to only keep one command in a sub-section