Please nerf Zarya!

I’ve just played two matches in a row and both times, myself and my teammates have been completely unable to kill Zarya. Her shield makes her literally invincible and makes the game very boring to play getting killed over and over.

My thoughts, leave the damage and other abilities alone, just decrease the time the shield can be active (Or if the shield is health based, lower the health). As well as increasing the cooldown for the shield by 2 seconds.

Just my thoughts and wanted to make them known to the public!


Just because something bugs you, it’s not necessarily a bug.


in total mayhem she’s basically invincible.


played her and only die twice

i mean in total mayhem balance doesnt exist xD

She is strong, but shes not unkillable in any sense of normal gameplay

bait her into using em on ally (she’ll protect a healer if they near dead) and that reduces uptime on her.

just kill anythign else if shes bubbled.

I can agree to you to some extent, however I would like to add the fact that her shield is what charges her main attack. Yes played correctly she is unkillable even when focused by the majority of a team. what I mean by her shield affecting her main attack (the beam created by holding m1) is that by dealing damage to her shield you are increasing her damage and range from what I’ve seen.

This has been a thing since her release. I loved playing her in competitive and 90% of the time I out-damage our damage dealers. Her damage has been nerfed numerous times, and i find her very balanced. Any hero can be unkillable when played right.

I never fully experienced the character myself because frankly, I’m not very good at her but I
respect people who are able to gain enough skill using her to become the unkillable god everyone complains about. Because I genuinely cant get her down

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It’s all love, man. From one suffering from errors to another.

If you ever need an ana main you know where to look XD

Zarya is my main, I have so much fun playing her now, pls, Blizz, don’t nerf her! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Tell me you are bronze without telling me you are bronze. I am not saying Zarya isn’t a good tank, but I have never felt (in OW1 or 2) that she was too powerful to play around. She is far from the most annoying tank to play against.

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I totally agree, she’s just an unkillable killing machine. Blizzard, do something to her, it’s terrible.

Naw, you just have to cheese it with Winston. Best advice I can give you is to constantly land jumps on top of Zarya. I was in a few Mayhems the other day and players felt the same way about Zarya. They were surprised that the Winston cheese overcame the Zarya cheese.

Tell me you suck at playing the game without telling me you suck?

Stop shooting her bubble. Simple as that. She’s by far the easier of the tanks to take down. Just cause you’re playing in a bronze skill level doesn’t mean the character sucks.

All these crying for nerfs without actually learning the character is irritating. Play Zarya and learn where her weaknesses are so you know how to kill her.

Was like all the little babies whining about how broken Brig was, but no one would ever play the crap out of her to learn where her weaknesses were. She was my main when I healed, and I knew exactly what it took to kill her easily and is exactly what I did when I was tank or DPS.

Think before you post.

You do know we talk about total mayhem right? in Competitive and QP she is not hard to kill at all. in TM she god literal god mode. I think you have to think first before you post.