Please. Nerf Storm Arrow

Right. Leap AND storm arrow? I’m ok with leap if he didnt have that one

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No, they shouldn’t, and no, he isn’t. He embodies the power creep that has utterly destroyed this game’s balance and with it any competitive integrity. He needs to be nerfed, and severely. He shouldn’t have burst and infinite sustained damage and mobility and over-generous hitboxes and wallhack utility and a lethal ult that ignores barriers and short range and long range.

People complain about Widow who does barely more damage than Hanzo, and that only with a full-charged headshot. She has less mobility, he gets a basic ability that does most of what her ult does (on top of being tied to a potentially lethal shot), she sucks at close range, he has burst for close range and for killing barriers or tanks.

Hanzo symbolizes the biggest problems facing the game right now.


If youre dying to widow smg as reinhardt idk what to tell you except git gud?

:clap: Good Job. You get the consolation prize for bare minimum effort. I’m proud of you, son.

Thats true. He is more reliable than he was before, but 1 shotting +
Burst is a bit too reliable dont you think?

You’ve become a respectable young man. I’m sure that random forum goer appreciates the way you conduct your speech and how polite you are. I’m proud of who you are, son.

You really need attention dont you? Not a troll btw

Son, if you’re reading this, it means you’ve discovered what the “Straw man fallacy” is. I’m so, so proud of you.

My math was off anyway! :point_right::point_right: It was all a ruse simply to prove you had no idea what you were talking about.

Wall climbing wasn’t exactly a good mobility to begin with, there are lots and lots of areas with a ton of overhang so running up basically put you in a corner so to speak, plus there has always been the issue that if you try to wall climb, you get this weird off-putting, fall back, it’s what happens if you wall climb more than once without hitting the ground, but it actually happens to me on a few occasions essentially leading to my death. I think they really should have touched up scatter more, storm arrow just turned hanzo into spamzo, while the scatter arrow kills that people did were cheap shots, the one thing I liked about it is, that if someone ran into a room to get away from me, I could at least shoot into the room and possibly finish them off. Scatter foot shots though were cheap and I hated everything about them.

crazy rework Idea, replace spam arrow with split arrow! (name can differ) shoot it at any geometry in the map and, based on trajectory and angle, will split into 3-6 smaller arrows doing less damage but ultimately will do more damage than a normal arrow if all split arrows connect. It would be really fun to have to think and use the geometry of the map for an ability to be effective rather than just spamming a bunch of shots

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Fair. Didn’t really have an issue with his wall climbing because it made sense for his mid-far range play style. But now that he can just be in and out of the fight, it turned him into a mid-close range sniper, which makes absolutely zero sense for a character with the ability to one shot.

Scatter was never a problem for me because I knew better than to get close to a Hanzo as a squishy unless I was sure I could get behind him and kill him before he could aim at the foot.

Eh given how slow he was before, a bomb could kill him because he would walk away at a slightly fast pace, and it used to be insta-kill when a DF used his ult, he was a free target, the lunge isn’t as amazing too but I would have preferred to have instead of storm arrow or the lunge a smoke bomb utility move instead, it would help him fight off flankers if they couldn’t see him, would be cool to act as a sorta sonic arrow effect but I can see that conflicting too much which his sonic arrow in general and also making widow’s ult seem useless so maybe if sonic arrow was replaced with a smoke bomb it’d be kinda neat.

Storm arrow just throws out for me at least a bit of the strategy, I can hardly hit anything when I use it, because I’ve trained myself to hold down my left mouse as much as possible playing him, so weird to tap to shoot so I end up shooting too early or late, I also like varied amounts of held down timing with the bow to get my shots off, and don’t typically try to one shot everything.

That being said I don’t play him much these days.

There would be nothing wrong with his side jump: If he didn’t have an ability that can kill every character save for D.Va or Hog with heal in the game. His arrow size is huge, he should not be able to have any mobility at all with how overtuned his DPS is.

Side jump/lunge should have been implemented with a more balanced scatter arrow.

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For some reason I read “Storm” as “Scatter” and a wave of nostalgia hit me.

Hanzo is fine
Widow still broken af


They just did. literally it has just been nerfed.

Please. Nerf Storm Arrow

And DoomFist. These one shot kills are ruining the game experience for me personally.

I tell you tho… if another doomfist misses their target and get another accidental one hit kill off … i may lose it.

I always liked the idea of giving Hanzo a small smoke arrow instead - it would synergize with his sonar arrow and he could use it as a way to try to escape if he was dived.

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No. It is much easier to one shot with a hitscan than with a projectile, especially with a non streight flying one. Also Widdow gets tripple damage on head shots and a scope.

Hanzo instead has a shield burst and leap jump fitting his close and mid range playstyle.

Let me tell you something: statistics cannot reliable show weaknesses but they show quite reliable overpowerness as it would be abused.

Edit: or let me say it in a different manner: if you remove storm arrows, why should you pick Hanzo over Widdow at all?

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