Please nerf defense matrix already

It lasts like 5 seconds.

I like how you completely skipped the part where I said DM was balanced and decided to make me look like I was saying otherwise but ok.

If you read what I was saying, D.Va, like any hero has weaknesses and strengths. D.Va’s abilities work well at nullifying her strengths to the point where they can be almost non-existent. DM is fine and healthy for the game. Her headshot hitbox should be very large due to her huge health pool, she shouldn’t also have insane range

Flying at somebody generally means you get closer to them, most of the time you do this to get in their face.

If you run away as D.Va your team will lose the fight, as with any character.

You looked at these parts of her kit individually which is why people want a DM nerf. Put it together she is hands down the best hero in the game by a fairly huge margin. It takes a lot of skill and timing to get the most out of D.Va but it’s not impossible for the average player to do.

The real problem is we dont have a lazer gun DPS that can go through DM… I think we really need to think about adding Hans Solo to the game

Yeah just make every character have the same moveset too. Dm is what makes dva actually unique

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And overpowered and a must pick since release of the game.

shields can last infinitely until broken, whereas dm can only last for 2 seconds max

come on people


Well make DM be like a regular shield and make it last till broken. Not just 2 seconds. Simple.

That’s hilarious. You must not have even been here at the beginning of the game cuz her dm was way different. It was on an 8 second cooldown and lasted 2 seconds. She had 500 health and was pretty much trash tier. It took a lot of buffing before she was actually good

I been here since beta, and DVA has never been trash tier.

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Actually didn’t mean to make you look bad, just responded to your post.

You looked at these parts of her kit individually which is why people want a DM nerf.

To be fair, people here want all sorts of nerfs. Last time some part of the community cried - Doomfist got nerfed more than it was needed. I don’t even play him, but playing against him you just don’t feel threatened.

All of these nerf DM threads look like I’m too lazy to bait her matrix. If DM gets nerfed too, this game will drown in sniper meta. And people hate snipers even more.


Yes, she was. It was almost impossible to get any good use out of DM, you couldnt shoot until you stopped flying. She had current DM without missiles and without the ability to flutter it. And like I said before she only had 500 health. She was useless at launch

D matrix by and large kind of sucks. It can help but it’s not going to save much of any one it’s so short. The only reason it has any value now is burst dmg is so high it seemingly blocks a lot, though most of those abilities come up far more often than Dva has Defense matrix to use.

Even only using it on the highest dmg abilities possible it’s still down more than up. Plus it just stops attacks, nothing more.

Deflect is pretty much the same thing and it returns the dmg as well. Even some ultimate’s can be sent back at the enemy for full dmg…

Dont you understand that DM is the issue with DVA? DVA cant be ballanced properly because she is at the point where any small nerf will make her trash.
The reason for this is that DM is too OP. Having it last 2 seconds is a joke. Its too short. BUT it has to be this way because of how strong an ability it is. You get this right?
If she had another type of shielding other than DM , then DVA would be able to be tweaked better and have a shield that last longer than 2 seconds and that wont recharge super slow like it does now.
DVA would be able to get other better tweaks to her whole kit, but that is impossible right now because of DM.

Yeah, unfortunately that’s what she was like at launch. I played her even then though because I liked her flight, but I did suffer a lot and I was asked to switch all the time :/.

….but only lasts for a handful of seconds vs. Rein’s shield. No nerf needed here.


Meka-Genji, just drop her boost cool down to 1 second, that should make everyone happy.

You can say the same about Mercy and her rez. You can’t balance it. The ability to bring people back to life is OP. But that’s what makes her unique. Same goes for Dva. Shields can block more damage than DM can. It pretty much can block everything including beams but Genji’s ult a Moira’s orbs and ult. So you just want her to block even more damage.
Something tells me you don’t ever play Dva cuz you give DM too much credit. It only lasts 2 sec and can easily be baited by focus fire. And boom, she has no self-defense and can’t peel.

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it was already nerfed by 75% back then
what do you want 75% more?

I think DM by itself is fine as is. It only lasts 2 seconds for an entire bar of usage, and has a 1 second forced downtime. D.Va is a tank after all, and needs some form of damage mitigation to do her job.

What I think makes D.Va a bit more powerful than what she should be is the fact that she can use multiple abilities for defense, damage, and mobility all simultaneously.

Almost, but not quite. I can’t use her main guns while Defense Matrix is active.