I think the biggest weakness of this ability is that sometimes you use it to trigger inspire but you end up just punting the enemy to safety or simply make your dps miss a shot that would otherwise land
Hmm. There has to be someway to execute my idea
I still think something should happen to her after she shield bashes but I don’t know what.
Even though brigitte made my first and second year of overwatch pure hell I still want both sides to be happy
Also, her hitbox is so big…
She is not op. She deserves to have more hp than Ana or Mercy.
if you cut down shield bash’ range you don’t need to change anything else really lol, you would be limiting her mobility and her engage range, though this can get very ugly real quick, even 1m less would be hell for brig players
zoning ultimates.
it literally doesn’t do a thing against grav dragon.
for reference: I play basically every single character in this game aside from junk doom and hog, and is a genji main. I’m Low plat on all roles. DPS is my weakest role, taking the most effort to rank up on, but i love playing dps.
Brig Is Fine.
Right now, may be the “Best” state she’s ever been, but she was ultimately a design flaw(HOLD YOUR HORSES) so i’d argue a few things.
For the past few patches, they’ve been trying to remove the status of “Main SP Off SP Off tank anti dive character” and with the “Death” of her dive came back.
After the 225 Revert, She cound finally fill the “Counterdive peel for main heal” role, Judging from the few games i played on her.
She doesn’t deliver absurd inspire healing, 2 abilities are reliable but not broken, she COULDNT just walk past the rein and shield bash, but bash is still useful for punishing overextended players.
She doesn’t die to tracer in 2 seconds, and ultimate feels fairly impactful.
She’s “In a good spot”. No longer doing everything, no longer being useless.
To get to this spot, she lost her uniqueness. The armor with healthpacks.
This overall feels weird, as she’s just a “Mini lucio+mercy+rein”, in a “Brigitte” skin.
i cant type anymore my attention span is dying
I agree with your message, but repairkits are the best long range healing abillity and you underrate it
Oh no Brig is in a useable state and slightly fun to play? Quick! Nerf her back down again!
Seriously. The 25hp is fine and was needed.
Her shield bash is also fine. It doesn’t need to break her shield to use her self defense. If you are having that big of an issue with it change tactics or change to a counter.
who are you talking to??