Please, Fix the main issue

Smurfs. they have ruined every multiplayer game to exist. please do something about them. they ruined me and my mates experience in overwatch, we’ve played a bit too much to request a refund for it. I want people who smurf just to prove they’re better than low level new players be banned or put in a suspected smurfing pool (similar to cheaters pool in other games) so they can really play against people of their own level. its not a fair match to low level players like me and my mates. Its not fun getting into the same games with the same smurfs. the current state with smurfs in overwatch makes the game very very hard to enjoy and have fun in. Kaplan, you made a great game at the start, but it has fallen into disrepair. please fix what is broken, it’ll make the community happier. you’re on the verge of becoming a game like call of duty advanced warfare, where everyone quit because it was pay to win. but the problem that’ll make everyone eventually stop playing your beautifully designed masterpiece of mechanics and skill is the smurfing. Please fix it, Jeff.


Smurfs are not a problem, because they bring profit.

smurfs prevent people from enjoying the game, driving player numbers down. everything isnt about profit and the blizzard dev teams know that. just like with bungie who could release a new game but they’d rather fix their mistakes and make the player base happy so people would keep on playing.


No. Smurfs bring profit, so they are allowed by Blizzard. Oops. :upside_down_face:

I bet you’re too daft to realise that this is Blizzard’s stance, and I hate smurfs as anyone else. :upside_down_face:

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Don’t use words like “Blizzard,” “Blue,” or any employee names in a thread topic.

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blizzards stance is gonna turn ow into a dead game like all the other money hungry companies

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You see that as main issue?

And not that 90%+ off all players dont know the basics of the game yet?
What we need more is a good tutorial mode, that teaches players the game.
Learn them the basics.

QP taught lots of players how to not play this game, so now we need a mode that teaches players how to play it.
This will fix the 2-2-2 problem(more players willing to play tank)
Will fix the amount of toxicity(people blaming others since they dont know why they are loosing or how to change this)
Will remove lots of little kids since they are not willing to learn, or able to function in a team.
Will teach players how to work as a team to deal with a single high threat(smurf)

You cant fix stupidity, but you can fix the smurf problem.

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Mr. Kaplan, tear down these smurfs!

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That single high threat (smurfs) is preventing new players from learning the game at all. They make the game, especially in the lower levels extremely unenjoyable. how can you expect players to learn the basics if QP is the only gamemode they can play and its plagued with smurfs trying to feel good about themselves

It is not stupidity. There are also lots of smart people who still dont know what creating space means, or who job it is to create space. Or even what feeding means, let alone to know when they are feeding.
Let alone how to play together as a team

Thats stuff you either learn or fail to learn. You cant hotfix that.

Smurfs prevent people from enjoying the game, which will cause player numbers to drop. only masochists will remain if the issue isnt solved. qp is a place to learn heroes. its impossible to learn anything in qp due to the smurfing problem. i quit at level 19 this morning and gave up trying to learn the game. its simply not fun and its more of a chore to play it. video games are supposed to be fun.

I hate smurfs, but there is a lot less of them now role queue is here. Now when these people want to “relax” they can sometimes go on off roles on their main.

But theres a grind in the qp gauntlet of smurfs before the paradise of role queue, you gotta think of the people like me that quit before we could experience a better game

Yes you can.
There were tools you could run next to overwatch that read the game for you.
That gave info like: your healers are dying to much try to protect them more and you need to stay closer to your team etc…
This was a tool not created by blizzard who only scrapped data from your client, so blizzard it self could make a much better version of it, with all data (without the ult warnings => reason why the tool got banned)

Next to this they could force people to play as a team in the learn mode(new QP)
For example you cant run in alone anymore. You cant do damage anymore when not playing near your tanks. Heroes who you cant pick because they would be bad picks in your comp or against the enemies comp will be disabled. etc.

And with arrow and color signs(hints) on how and when to best move and rotate. Or all red around you when you are out of position. When a tank should move forward a big arrow on the ground only he can see. High grounds that will light up when it is time to rotate. The space you own(tanks etc created) you can see with different tints of a color(the saver it is the lighter the color). So for example a tank could see that he isnt contesting the payload and need to move forward when being on attack. And it is saver to stand behind a shield then in front etc…

And sound queues that imitate shot caller: for example when your backline gets dived: reaper in backline!! kill reaper!! reaper!! reaper!! until he is dead or gone.
Or low health targets, or high threat targets.

So all the things a coach would teach you but then in game.
what should have been done since beta.
You cant create a very hard game with out a good tutorial.
It is the same as giving kids who never have played or seen chess before, a chess board and tell them to go play.
Yes they will move around pieces, but mostly they will fight over rules and who won and who lost (sounds familiar? people who get toxic blaming each other when they loose)

I believe 2-2-2 dps queue’s encourage more smurfs.

“Why live with the queue times when you can drop down to an average rank and get average queue times?”

While i do hate smurfs, i believe they will increase.

2-2-2 will also result in better team work.
So less room for smurfs to shine.
Going in alone solo, will get punished a lot more and faster.

Also counter picking has become more normal.
And one tricking has become something real bad.
Where we used to be able to all switch to a dps to counter someone.(or all where waiting for someone else to deal with the smurf)
Now it can often be only be done by 2. Not doing so will get you reports.

smurfs are not the main issue.