Please, Fix the main issue

Back in S5 I quit competitive just because how ridiculously unlucky I got with throwers, leavers and smurfs which ruined my placement games even though I was playing with lower skilled players than what I was used to playing against and decided that once they address at least smurfing I’d give competitive another try. I’m still in the same spot so I wouldn’t have high hopes… :confused:

The main issue: Dps queue time

Nothing else atm.

In many ways I agree with you. The nearest things so far I have found that actually teaches the game in a systematic and well thought out fashion are the videos by SVB. They are so good in fact that its surprising more people don’t lok at them or even know about them, and it shows how easy it would be to make a set of videos to really teach the game than just letting people queue into QP mindlessly.

If you’d really wanted to get better then you focus on yourself not everyone else.

Regardless if it was smurf or not in what ever game.

You will never improve if you just keep complaining about how someone else is better than you.

Yeah there are lots of streamers that teach the game.
I learned a lot of Jayne.

Only after watching those i was actually improving.
Minding my positioning more etc…
But most players never watch any of those.
They learned the game playing QP.
Without any form of teamwork, tanks, tactic or structure.
And playing it the same as other shooters (run around and kill stuff)
So it is also obvious why there are so many dps players… since they are the best in running around and kill stuff.


A smurf is not team-dependent. A GM smurf smurfing in bronze up to plat will not get punished by flanking and will probably succeed in elimnating 50% of the enemy team.

You can not report someone for simply refusing to switch hero, switch to x counter, switch to a desirable hero or not succeed in doing their primary job(performing badly) If you report someone for those reasons, you’re false reporting.

People will learn how to play with tanks now that we finally have them in game.
So people will stay better together, meaning less players out of position the smurf can kill easy.

I dont know if you are a dps main, but if you ask around you will probably find lots of people who have problems now with 2-2-2, it plays a lot different then we used to. The game has changed from chaotic to structured, where you get punished faster when out of position.

Except the smurf trying to one vs 6 will most of the time be the only one out of position and being focuses by the whole enemy team.
So even very technical genji/doomfist etc… will have a hard time 1vs6ing anymore even in the lowest ranks. Especially since most of those heroes can be countered by a very low skill hero (sombra)

You still can, false reporting is still possible. Just try it.

More serious: since the game has become more team depended. It maybe should be punishable when you throw by playing something that is bad and is very obvious isn’t working. At least on ranks above gold. But if something was throwing/soft throwing because of a bad hero pick(and not wanting to swap) should never be decided by your 5 team members during the game who probably tilting and just looking for someone to blame.
We get the review system , thousands of people can rewatch it and vote on it (just like cs:go)
For example a one trick , even if he very skilled on it, is still a thrower.
He forces his team to play around him, and if they dont, or they still loose because his hero got countered hard, he will be the reason that team will loose.

If i jumped into a gold team. I would sure as hell 1vs6 the enemy team and knowin’ gold, i know i could escape threat after eliminating at least 3 of them. Roleq fixes 6dps comps however, does not make a team good in synergy/cooperation or communication.

Looking structured and more like a team does not equal acting like a team.

True. Punishing someone for feeling comfortable with only one character, in a serious mode like comp should not be punishable. It’s selfish, yes but not punishable and should not be.

Is that something in cs:go? I’m not familiar with the game but the rules seem too strict and should never be implemented in-game.

Most games ban smurfs, heck other blizzard games ban smurfs.

Probably 70% of my diamond games on console have 1 or more smurf accounts in a game. The most I have had is 11 games in a row.

Its a real kick in the face they do nothing about it.

Yes cs:go has a report/punish system that would work very good for overwatch(with some tweaks). Now soft throwers will very rarely get banned because they get to less reports. With the new review system it is easier to detect one (for example a widow (someone who tilted, not happy with something, who swapped to widow, who is just shooting at a wall next to him, without review everyone is thinking he is trying and is just bad and will not get reports).
But still most people dont review every game, and mostly only look at their own gameplay.

If you could send a marked (only part) of the video to a large(1000) chosen panel(you need to deserve it -> to many wrong votes where you voted something else as most, you will removed from the list: and it will give you rewards for every votes/reviews you do) When more then for example 80 votes guilty the account will directly get the penalty.

So not first getting 1000 reports, who slowly decay.
False reports, or people getting away with bad things because they do it so it is hard to notice.

I always wonder, i dont have a console myself. How does it work?
Every new account you create is linked to one game(so one game key) that is sold? If so they could very easily ban all accounts created with that key.

So making it more easier then on pc where every new account has its own game key.

This is the problem with identifying or even quantifying “smurfs” as a true issue (which they’re not). Nothing is certain and everything is speculated.

And it’s not easy argue against or fair to make arguments out of nonfacts framed in a factual manner.