Please make Zarya less oppressive

This seems a bit excessive, especially when is looking like she’ll be meta in scrims. I could see the change happening for winston, though. You could say he should be used as a balanced stick, but too many dive counters are in the game, so this would be good.

That would just make her skill ceiling lower, and less punishable for bad bubbles.

D.Va doesn’t need reduce ultimate charge on self destruct.

She needs more matrix range, that’s it.


I mean, I’m of the opinion Dive should be the top meta, because all other metas are either excessively defensive, or sniper dominated.

Also we’ve had 3+ years of alternating between Bunker or Deathball at high tier.

Maybe 5 or 10 more damage for ramming someone with her boosters too. Was 25 before, it’s currently at 10 damage.

Or, make her resistant to boops again with a 12m defense matrix.

but yeah…

That could work.

Yeah totally this ^
Her range is too small, watch this video where I should of outplayed the roadhog with matrix.

I disagree, especially since dive will drive the support class away completely. I don’t think you remember how awful it was to constantly be harassed by tracers all game. Rush is easily the best meta because it’s fun for everyone. Remember when in october everyone was praising blizz while rush was meta.


I see this as a gross exaggeration, as if Gold players are dealing with GM tier Dives.

And that all you’d get instead is that Healers on Defence would play more Moira/Lucio/Mercy/Brig.

Instead of Ana/Zen.

Medium durability Rush is fine, but you’d need a counter-threat of Dive being blocked by OffTanks.

Otherwise you’d just get Rein/Sigma/Mei/Reaper/Moira/Lucio.

High durability Rush, is just as much cancer as DoubleBarrier Bunker.

A separate issue but related… is how much Zarya enables damage heroes by bubbling them. I would love to see less or literally none of this anymore.

Here comes doom! * Zarya bubbles* flash bang means nothing, hack means nothing, then doom flies away no scratches and you’re down a healer. Just feels too powerful for a character that herself can disintegrate characters when she’s high charge.

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Well, no not at all. How would support players like playing in dive at all if they’re constantly being picked instantly and harassed by 3 heroes all game? Did you play in OG dive? It was awful if you were playing support. It was fun though if you were on winston.

what are your thoughts on rush? Since everyone praised the devs at the time that was meta.


And that all you’d get instead is that Healers on Defence would play more Moira/Lucio/Mercy/Brig.

Instead of Ana/Zen/Bap…on Defence.

Medium durability Rush is fine, but you’d need a counter-threat of Dive being blocked by OffTanks.

Otherwise you’d just get Rein/Sigma/Mei/Reaper/Moira/Lucio.

High durability Rush, is just as much cancer as DoubleBarrier Bunker.

Rein sigma? That was not rush at all. It was winston at the highest level and winston zarya on ladder. We also saw some rein zarya in the mix. It was actually pretty diverse. Sigma/Orisa sucked during rush though. Hammond was just hammond with a mediocre pickrate, same with hog.

I view that as not a real meta, and just collective amnesia on how strong Sigma and Brig were.

Additionally some GMs trying to mimic Contenders that was still on SuperHog meta.

Why not? They were the highest picked heroes in every rank including t500. was also picked a bunch as well. Ladder was super diverse back then.

Because Sigma and Brig were weaker in the following patches, but still dominated the pickrates.

And all you’re really pointing out of the well known axiom that “metas are diverse when nobody has a clue what the meta is”.

It was an adjustment period, and nothing more significant than that.

Well, I think the bap buffs had a huge part to play in eliminating rush. Plus some orisa buffs and buffs to others.

Huh? I do not recall sigma ever being buffed. Brig was buffed for a short time, but then that was reverted, she is still strong.

They were played in the highest level of play (scrims/t500), they were definitely meta. Sigma had one of the worst winrates we’ve ever seen as well as a low pickrate

But that’s beside the point. We were talking about what would be the ideal meta. I believe that would be rush.

I believe it would be Dive at the highest tiers, which then you could alternate between Dive and MediumDurability Rush the lower the ELO goes.

Why not just rush everywhere? I don’t want to get into a game and be harassed by tracers all game. Sure it might be less effective in lower ranks, but what about the higher ranks that have to suffer that monstrosity?


the dps master plan

  1. first nerf tanks because goats
  2. next buff dps damage because goats
  3. nerf zarya because damage buff
  4. ?
  5. profit
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That just becomes a choice between

  1. High durability Rush
  2. High durability Bunker
  3. Dive

Dive is an easy choice there.

Zarya has stayed far too strong dps wise for being a tank. With a halfway decent team she just walks through a team once she gets to 70%+ charge which isn’t hard to do even in higher ranks. Beams got buffed but everything else got needed over time for other unrelated reasons but then beams haven’t changed since then. There needs to be a look at zarya’s damage output.