Please let us buy Pink Mercy

No problem. It just seems apparently necessary because these threads are apparently still relevant three years after the fact


I am not against it coming back, only way i would be ok with it is if money went to charity since that was its original purpose, I am against it coming back without its original purpose though, it devalues the skin otherwise.


I literally hate this game and this community and I wish I never started playing it. It sucks knowing no matter how much you beg, plead and cry you can’t donate $15, show the receipt to Blizzard and get the skin… just like they’re doing with veterans right now to receive a free copy of the game.

I hate that this game means so much to me. I hate that I ever even learned about Blizzard in the first place.

There’s no reason to torture people with legacy locked skins. It’s infinitely awful.

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Well if it’s getting to you this badly I would suggest quitting. A virtual skin in a game should not work someone up to the point of wishing they never played


I missed out on so many skins, and I don’t feel tortured.


I main Mercy.

Did you change your name? I think I recognize the icon, but not the name.

So do I? I’m just more cringy about it.

Well I am truly sorry to hear about your given situation, I really am. But in truth it just comes down to a matter of a skin should not mean this much to you, considering it is merely a skin in a game.

It’s a great thing that you donate to charities and I as well as others are grateful for your kindness. I hope you can find another hobby soon, Overwatch is clearly unhealthy for you if you feel this strongly about it.

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I was Worthless for a little while and then vaporwave, back to Worthless and now I’m this one.

So ONLY breast cancer matters? What about dying children? What about puppies being killed? You only care about this one group? You are disgusting!

I did a month or so back. Was nyx, then neptune. O:

On the topic of name changes, mine changed on it’s own for some reason. Used to be called BattlePants.


God trust me you’re literally not the only one. I remember having a lot of productive hobbies that got destroyed after being diagnosed with a sleeping disorder taking up a lot of my time during the day. :roll_eyes: Not that it really matters.

I just genuinely feel like I’m being singled out by Blizzard most days.

Hey Neptune, it’s Genjiz! (I knew you changed your name)

(it’s my cousin’s account don’t judge my name and icon choice)

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You’re so far detached from reality my guy. But sure, I spit on dying kids and throw kittens off bridges in my free time.

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Oof. Did you ask support? That’s really peculiar. :thinking:

Anyway, I think imma dip out of this thread. Take care everyone.

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Yeah sleeping disorders suck, I’m sorry to hear you have to put up with that. I have my own sleeping issues as well… and as a fellow “autist”, trust me when I say I get the special interests and “comfort character” things.

I did, no response lol. Okay, have a nice night

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It sucks it had to be this game with a company known for locking things behind a legacy filter after two weeks. It’s deeply upsetting to me and I don’t think I’ll ever be over it tbh. I’ve genuinely considered just buying an account but I don’t have the money most people are asking for… $400 is so unreasonable.