Sym Golden Glove Megathread

Too late tomorrow. All the emotes and highlight intros will already be done. That’s why she needs a golden glove now.

tbh they can always add gold whenever

tis just retexturing isnt it?

Welp sadly Symmetra did not get a highlight intro or a victory pose this Archives. :cry:

No surprises there no actual surprises

I’m outraged

She got a new quote tho
“Who knows what future holds?”
Future doesn’t hold a highlight intro apparently…

So Doomfist gets a second Archives highlight intro. Are you joking

No victory pose. No highlight intro for Symmetra.



Not to mention she’s a launch character and STILL doesn’t have a map that represents her. I’m starting to think Symmetra’s existence is completely forgotten by the devs at this point.

I mean i’m grateful she got something. Even if it was just a voiceline. Hopefully she has new interactions too.

I was counting down the days to this event thinking, come on, it’s nearly been three years. Surely this is Symmetra’s time.

No. :neutral_face:

I generally try not to get my hopes up too much. It’s been almost a year since they reworked Symmetra and they only just now let her teleporter deploy into breakable railing and stuff? It’s clear they’re putting their time and effort into too many places to care about cosmetics.

On the bright side, I think they stealthbuffed sym primary. It takes only roughly 1 second to ramp up I think? It might be just me and my unability to count 1 second, so can someone check it?

At least they’ve fixed TP bugs.

You know, as gutted as I am about Symmetra those are some sick victory poses for Sombra, Widowmaker and Zenyatta. Sombra’s is cool and you can see her gold.

If DVa is getting a skin that will break the internet for Anniversary can Symmetra get a victory pose with her gun?

Sisters, i’m done with this until the Anniversary teases. If someone wants to carry the torch until then be my guest.

It all falls on deaf ears anyway.

Honestly surprised that people care that much about it since her balance should be a bigger issue, Blizzard themselves have probably never even thought about it lol

Bump. Symmetra needs fixing.

Yes please. Do it already.

Her glove is responsible for

1 her turrets
2. her teleporter
3 her ultimate
4 For not getting her hands dirty when she punches a low hp enemy filth.

Her entire kit outside of weapon fire revolves around her glove. Make it gold


I really hope someone sees this post and takes this idea under consideration, I’ve been waiting for a response to the sym golden gun recommendations forever

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